23 Build Immunity & A Better Agency - Mobile Health

Build Immunity & A Better Agency

Chapter 4 of 'From Healthy Aides to Healthier Agency'

Their results are detailed, clear, and professionally presented. This allows our clients to easily read the reports and allows for quicker approval of our medical files.
—Mobile Health Client

Watch this quick recap!

Welcome back! In the last chapters we reviewed different ways to streamline your onboarding by looking at how to get certain exam results faster and figuring out which exams will have the most positive impact on your agency and the quality of care you deliver. For a refresher on TB tests or Drug Tests feel free to browse previous chapters.

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Now it’s time to talk about the F word.

astronautNo not that, the flu. And, if you’ve had it before you know just how miserable the flu can make you. What you might not know is that if a child or elderly person, who has a more vulnerable immune system, is exposed to the flu it could lead to more dangerous medical issues.

It’s also one of 80 communicable diseases on the CDC watchlist and can lead to grave if not fatal illnesses for your home care workers and patients.

The good news is that you don’t have to worry about screening for all 80 diseases as clients and home care workers have a very low risk of being exposed to most of these. There are however five communicable diseases you should watch out for that are more common and if contracted later in life can present serious health concerns.


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But what does all of this have to do with streamlining your onboarding process?

Ensuring the safety of your home care workers and patients is directly related to the quality of care you provide.


This guide is about providing permanent solutions for future minded agency owners who are tired of short term solutions that don’t work.


Sure, you could continue to simply meet basic standards but know that none of your onboarding headaches will ever change. You will be dealing with the same frustrating issues day in and day out and never be able to move to next level or concentrate on growing your agency. Alternatively, you could follow the steps of this guide and gain some clarity (and sanity) back. Your choice.

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