23 Decrease Risk & Drug Abuse - Page 2 of 5 - Mobile Health

Decrease Risk & Drug Abuse

Chapter 3 of 'From Healthy Aides to Healthier Agency'

The staff made me feel welcome and at ease. They were pleasant and professional in carrying out their duties.
—Mobile Health Patient

Why should I drug test?

The most basic reason is because you care for your home care workers and clients and want to provide them with the best and safest environment possible.

But there are also other factors to consider like the risk of not testing and what this could entail for your organization. How much is it costing you and your agency to restaff? Or find a replacement?
There are other considerations to reflect on as well. Like, what measures do you have in place in case your home care workers steal patient medications?

Or are injured on job? Many of these issues are a direct result of drug addiction and drug testing will help ensure you hire qualified drug free workers that provide a higher quality of care to your patients.

That is the goal after all, right?

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Also, it’s a federal requirement that home care agencies interested in applying for government grants or contracts initiate a drug free program within their business.

The U.S. government has a strict policy for only contracting and working with vendors who uphold a drug free work environment through consistent drug testing while hiring, random testing and suspicious testing when necessary.


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Are there other benefits to drug testing?

The most obvious benefit is reduced drug use among employees. Many state programs were developed to encourage drug testing in the workplace with certain incentives. For example, under the Workplace Safety and Loss Prevention Incentive Program (WSLPIP) in New York, many NY companies are eligible for a savings of 2% off their workers’ comp costs every year.

Creating safety and return-to-work programs can earn businesses an extra 8% for the first year, and 4% for each additional year. That’s a 10-6% savings on your workers’ comp premium!


Employers with long-standing drug-free policies report the reduced use of medical benefits by employees and their families, and better health among employees. Not only can you save a percentage on workers’ comp, but the premium is very likely to decrease with a drug-free policy.
You might also receive a discount from your private insurance company as they often reward holders who uphold a drug free work environment.

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