23 Decrease Risk & Drug Abuse - Page 3 of 5 - Mobile Health

Decrease Risk & Drug Abuse

Chapter 3 of 'From Healthy Aides to Healthier Agency'

Everything was done efficiently and professionally, and the staff was friendly and pleasant.
—Mobile Health Patient

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Are there any laws associated with drug testing?

The Federal Drug-Free Workplace Programs outline the requirements for a drug-free workplace.Additionally, many agencies hesitate before installing a drug free program at work. You might be worried about the extra cost, whether it’s a necessary measure or if it can have any legal repercussions for you or your business.

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Legally, drug testing is encouraged in many state. For example, in New York state it is encouraged through the WSLPIP. In fact, the, Industrial Code Rule 60 dictates the drug-free requirements for workers’ comp premium credits.

Ultimately, creating a drug free work zone will help you save money, deliver a better quality of care to your patients and increase your referrals.


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Will drug testing slow down my onboarding process?

You want to get your workers approved and assigned as quickly as possible so it might seem counter intuitive to add another exam to your roster. Wouldn’t that just slow down your onboarding process? The answers depends on the way in which your organization schedules pre-employment exams.

Generally speaking however the drug test can be done the same day as the PPD or QuantiFERON and would not delay your onboarding process. And, if you choose the right provider, drug test results can returned as quickly as 72 hours after being administered.


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Why can’t I just accept a letter from my home care worker saying she is drug free?

If someone is seeking employment they are not likely to disclose information to hurt their changes.envelope But more over, a letter is simply a transference of responsibility. By asking for an attestation letter from your employees you are essentially washing your hands of the whole mess.
This may seem tempting as a short term solution.

But what have we learned about short term solutions? They do nothing for helping you build the larger image and goal you have for your agency. Not to mention that a letter will not prohibit you from hiring a drug user who will negatively affect your brand and put you and your agency at risk.

If you are serious about wanting to streamline your onboarding and increase your cases then creating a drug free work zone will only help enable that.

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