23 Decrease Risk & Drug Abuse - Page 4 of 5 - Mobile Health

Decrease Risk & Drug Abuse

Chapter 3 of 'From Healthy Aides to Healthier Agency'

The technology that is provided to my team surpasses anything we have seen in the marketplace.
—Mobile Health Client

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What should I be drug testing for?

Drug testing comes with a variety of options. After deciding to drug test, you need to know what drugs you should test for, how to test for them, and why. Below you will find the various drug panels, which drug panel might be best for you, and what specific drugs industries typically test for.
Specific drug tests are often referred to as ‘panel drug tests’. Each specific drug tested equals one panel. For example, a 5 panel drug test examines a specimen for the presence of 5 different substances.

The most common drug test is a standard 5 panel urine drug test that examines a urine specimen for the presence of:

  • THC (Marijuana)
  • Cocaine
  • Opiates
  • Phencylcidine (PCP)
  • Amphetamines



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Going Beyond The 5 Panel Drug Test

Higher panel drug tests simply add more drugs, or panels, to be tested. While drug panels can be customized by employees, certain combinations of drugs make up panels more frequently than others.

If you increase the number of panels tested from a 5 panel test, you are typically adding a new drug for each extra panel. [edsanimate_end]

Below you can find what drugs each extra panel adds on to the standard 5 drugs tested.

When it comes to the home care industry, an 8 Panel drug test is the most highly recommended because it includes test for opiates and other prescription drugs that home care workers have open access to on a daily basis.

It’s also important to know that the price difference when adding extra panels is extremely low. A good thing to keep in mind when you are debating which drug panel your employees should take.


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