Watch sneak peak on Chapter 5!
Feel free to check out previous chapters for a quick refresher on drug tests, TB tests and vaccinations. You are only three chapters away from knowing how to streamline your onboarding process like a pro which is going to help you unlock your potential for growth that is currently being diverted by day-to-day distractions.
Soon you will have the added time and resources able to devote to increasing quality of care, bettering your relationship with networks and acquiring more cases.
Yep, life is about to get a whole lot sweeter. Only of course if you follow the steps in this guide. If not, things will pretty much stay the way they are.
So are you ready to embrace the future of your agency or do you rather stay frozen in the present?
We’re glad you decided to continue with us. Now let’s talk about trust. Trust is one of those good old fashioned human feelings that can’t be bought, can sometimes be manipulated but will always determine the level of success your business will have.
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Without trust, customers may work with you only because they have no other alternative, due to aggressive pricing or geographic convenience. But, all these factors are time sensitive and can be dismissed in a second when a bigger better competitor opens shop next door.
And if you remember, competition isn’t just coming -it’s galloping- in your direction. So this trust “thing” is kinda sort of a big deal.
As an agency owner you need to be able to trust in your home care workers and their ability to deliver the best care for your patients. In turn, your clients need to know they can trust you are hiring qualified home care workers. They are after all letting these home care workers into their homes and into their lives usually unsupervised. You can see how trust then can play an important factor in the growth of your agency.