A sneak peak of what you can expect from this guide!
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It’s no secret the home care industry is exploding with potential.
According to PHInational, by 2050 the population of people over the age of 65 will nearly double, from 47.8 million to 88 million. That’s an 80% increase! Even today the home care industry is estimated to be a $75 billion market. And, that’s only going up.
As a homecare agency owner, the future looks as full of promise as California during the gold rush.
But how many of those 88 million people will be your client? According to the same PHInational report “while the population of older adults is growing, the number of working-age adults is projected to stagnate. Currently, there are 32 working-age adults for every adult over 85. By 2050, that number will plummet to 12.” Meaning finding qualified workers is going to be more challenging as there is a smaller pool to choose from.
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The number of competitive agencies is estimated to continue to increase drastically as well, making an already crowded market place ready to burst at the seam. Now you won’t just be chasing after referrals and recruits, you’ll need to prove that your agency is different from the competition. And, that’s not happening by 2050 that’s happening right now.
In fact medicare, the chief revenue stream for most home care agencies, already has in place a star rating system where patients can compare between the quality of care administered at each agency. With three and a half stars being the national average, your agency will need to achieve four stars or higher to beat the competition.
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If you are asking yourself these questions then this guide was written for you, the future minded home care agency owner.
Pay close attention, embracing what it will take to excel in future markets will help you dominate the industry today.
Those who excel in the home care industry lead by example for the rest of the competition.
This is all possible as long as you make time to concentrate on growth. But how can you grow when your scrambling to make it through the day? Growth takes times, dedication and focus.
So first, we’re going to help you streamline your onboarding process so that you then have enough time and energy to devote to growing your agency.