23 Your Agency Starts With... - Page 2 of 3 - Mobile Health

Your Agency Starts With…

Chapter 1 of 'From Healthy Aides to Healthier Agency'

The entire process was very well run and the wait time between the different procedures was short. I was very impressed that the staff made the effort to learn some basic Chinese to help patients.
—Mobile Health Patient


Growing a Profitable Agency

Within this guide you’ll discover the different ways to onboard the perfect candidate which in turn will affect the quality of care you deliver, the referrals you receive and your overall reputation. But, before we get there just yet it’s important to highlight a key element that will help determine the success of your agency.
Let’s pretend it’s Saturday and you decide to get a haircut at your favorite salon. It’s a fancy salon with large mirrors and great smelling shampoo. You love this salon because it’s an integral part of the community.

The wait is never too long and they are always up to date on the latest trend. But, what keeps calling you back is your stylist. You would follow her just about anywhere because she knows what you need without you having to tell her.

Salons work similar to home care agencies in that a consistent stream of revenue comes from existing clients who follow their stylists from one location to another. Just the same, home care workers can prove to be an excellent source of revenue.

Maybe you’ve experienced this already?

Working with the same clients for months or sometime even years builds intimacy and strong relationships between home care workers and their clients. Ultimately, when the home care worker decides to work for another agency the client can decide to follow them. And, that means extra free business for you, the agency owner. money

It’s important to realize that your home care workers therefore act as your brand ambassador while they provide care.

And, with an expanding demand and an increase in caseloads (our goal for you by the end of this guide), it’s imperative that you trust your home care workers to represent your agency on a daily basis. They are what fuel your engine and keep it running. Without them you can’t fill cases and you can’t run a successful agency. End of story.

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So what does all this boil down to?

If you recognize that your workers are crucial to your success and are willing to invest more in their future (and thereby your own), you could build extra income from the high quality of care you provide by getting more referrals.[edsanimate_end]
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And, you could also see an influx of qualified home care workers bringing their existing patients with them when they decide to work with you over the competition. Do you see how this is all connected to increasing your revenue and reaching your future goals?

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