Starting December 31, 2016, all New York home care agencies must comply with the new Wage Parity minimum base pay rates. This affects all New York City:
- Certified home health agencies (CHHAs)
- Long term home health care programs (LTHHCPs)
- Managed care organizations (MCOs)
Unlike previous increases which affected agencies across the board, this change differentiates what the New York Department of Health calls ‘Large Employers’ and Small Employers.
- A Large Employer is an agency with 11 or more total employees.
- A Small Employer is an agency with 10 or fewer employees.
For the term of 12/31/2016 – 12/30/2017 the minimum base rate will be:
- A Large Employer: $11.00/hour
- A Small Employer: $10.50/hour
This update does not affect the existing rates for Nassau, Suffolk, and Westchester Counties.
For more information on Wage Parity for New York home care agencies, visit www.WageParityClarity.com