3 Advantages of Digital Medical Records

Electronic Medical Records Don't Just Make Things Easier, It Makes Them Faster Too

Their ability to schedule and monitor our candidates' appointments makes our lives and jobs so much easier on so many levels.
—Mobile Health Client
digital medical records

Want to see a medical staffing recruiter cringe? Simply mention the phrase “pre-employment medical exams,” and you’ll see their whole demeanor change. That’s because people consider these exams the most painful part of the placement process. However, digital medical records change this dynamic.

Consider the typical hiring scenario: By the time you’ve reached the pre-employment medical exam phase, you’ve gotten the interviews out of the way. You’ve also checked references, and convinced yourself you’ve found the right candidate for the position. You’ve done everything on your end, but now must hand over the reins to an occupational health provider.

For most medical staffing agencies, this task generates the most headaches. That’s because some occupational healthcare companies deliver test results in a haphazard, inefficient manner.

Digital Medical Records Mean An Easier Experience

If you’re a medical staffing company, you most likely often receive test results from occupational healthcare companies via fax and UPS. Your agency potentially receives hundreds of paper records daily from occupational healthcare companies  using outdated technology.

However, now there’s an alternative. Your company doesn’t have to drown in an ocean of paper records anymore. With Mobile Health’s digital medical records, your organization can stop losing time managing paper records.

Here are three major benefits your organization gains when they ally with Mobile Health.

1. Easy Accessibility

Mobile Health’s digital medical records make accessing information simple and quick. Our online portal stores all of your candidates’ information safely, for easy access. All of your data remains in one place. You no longer have to dig through file cabinets to locate that missing slip of paper.

This ‘cloud access’ can even allow people on the road or at home to access their documents. If anything happens outside of business hours, you’ve still got access to your information on the cloud. The world functions on a 24 hour clock. With Mobile Health’s digital medical records, so does your business.

2. Easy Archiving

Mobile Health’s digital records allow you to index and search through your candidates’ files. You’ll know exactly where things are, and anyone in your organization can access whatever information they need on the fly.

If your clients have questions about a candidate, digital medical records ensure fast resolution, which enhances collaboration. You’ll both be on the same page because you’re looking at the same data. You can quickly send any missing information quickly via a secure email or through our online client portal.

You’ll also save the time and  transportation costs of overnighting documents to a client.

3. Fast Processing

Mobile Health’s technological solutions give you most of your test results within 48 hours. Even better, you can retrieve and view results as soon as they are completed. This saves you weeks of waiting for a physician or nurse to fill out a form.

Furthermore, Mobile Health’s digital medical records are color coded, so you’ll identify at first glance any issues with your candidate’s report. The coding is simple: green means good to go, yellow means caution, and red means there’s a problem. That way, you’ll quickly know which candidates need attention. It’s that easy.

Welcome to the Future

Mobile Health’s technological advantages can’t solve all of your problems.  However, digital medical records streamline every aspect of the formerly painful process of pre-employment medical examination.  So, if you really want to place your medical staff quicker, choose the occupational health provider that’s equipped with the technology for the 21st century.