Become a Mobile Health Partner

Interested in becoming a partner? See some options below:

I have always enjoyed their professionalism.
—Mobile Health Patient

To provide our clients and patients the quality care they have come to expect, Mobile Health partners with many different companies in multiple industries around the United States. These partnerships allow us to offer innovative services and technologies Mobile Health could not provide alone. Our partners inspire us to imagine new ways to provide technology driven occupational health.  These innovations truly make a difference to our clients, patients, and entire industries.

Below are the types of partnership examples we actively seek:

Become a Network Office

As client needs expand nationwide beyond our seven NY Mobile Health clinics, we seek medical providers in all states to become an authorized Network Office Location (NOL). NOL’s are the direct medical providers of occupational health services for Mobile Health clients. Mobile Health handles all appointment scheduling, reporting and payments.

There is no cost to becoming an NOL. Mobile Health sends payments directly, eliminating the need for insurance claims.

To learn more about becoming a Mobile Health Partner as a Network Office Location, please contact us with your request.

On-site Logistics & Personnel

Are you an on-site provider seeking help running a wellness or biometric event for a client? If so, Mobile Health has dedicated mobile teams trained to offer a wide variety of occupational health services. Our logistics and personnel departments can handle everything from supplies and record keeping to vaccinations and staffing.

To allow adequate time for proper scheduling and set-up, we prefer you submit requests for on-site events 10 business days before the event date.

If you require Mobile Health’s assistance for an on-site event, please contact us with your request.

Wage Parity Benefits

New York’s Wage Parity Benefits law provides a direct benefit to the state’s home health aides and attendants. Agencies, brokers, and third party administrators interested in offering personal wellness and compliance exams to employees can add Mobile Health as an authorized benefit option. Our services include an annual comprehensive wellness physical that also includes all state compliance requirements for the aides and agency.

If you are interested in adding Mobile Health as a Wage Parity Benefit option, please contact us with your request.

Human Resources & Payroll Services

Mobile Health’s technology systems allow for creative integrations that provide seamless communication with 3rd party vendors. When partnered with other HR or Payroll services, Mobile Health can utilize an employee roster as well as job status to help keep track of compliance requirements. Vendors interested in integrating with Mobile Health can offer a valuable add-on for their clients.

HIPAA and patient privacy is a top priority for Mobile Health and all integrations must be vetted in depth for reciprocal priority.

If you are a software developer for HR or payroll businesses and would like to add Mobile Health as a featured add-on, please contact us with your request.

Compliance Standards Consulting

When working with different states, hospitals, and medical groups, different compliance requirements can create a burden. Mobile Health can help develop standard practices to satisfy legal requirements and establish industry specific best practices. We support these standards with our consistent medical reporting process.

Our Compliance Standards Consulting can be utilized by healthcare staffing firms and regional hospital groups.

To learn how Mobile Health can help streamline your compliance screening needs, please contact us with your request.

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