Occupational Health: West Orange, NJ
Posted January 25, 2016 in Location Announcements
Did you know that Mobile Health has locations nationwide? Chances are you’re already close to one! We’ve expanded, and we want to take the opportunity to show off some of our convenient locations! Do you live in New Jersey? If so, you might find our West Orange location convenient. Located at 10[Read more]

Occupational Health: Fort Lee, NJ
Posted January 13, 2016 in Location Announcements
Did you know that Mobile Health has locations nationwide? Chances are you’re already close to one! We’ve expanded, and we want to take the opportunity to show off some of our convenient locations! Do you live in New Jersey? If so, you might find our Fort Lee location convenient. Located just off[Read more]

Auto Scheduling Maximizes Your Home Care Agency’s Time
Posted January 13, 2016 in Mobile Health Advantage
Auto Annual Scheduling allows organizations with a large number of employees to assure their staff will be scheduled for their annual compliance exams. Your staff is scheduled, notified, and tested by Mobile Health. Your records are kept in one central place online, and all you’ll have to do is ch[Read more]

3 Ways To Have a Useful Doctor’s Visit
Posted December 24, 2015 in Health & Wellness
Many people dislike going to the doctor. For one thing, they may fear the procedures and tests they may have. However, what’s truly frustrating about a doctor’s visit is arriving, waiting for an hour, and then realizing afterward you forgot to ask the doctor about that one issue that’s bee[Read more]

2015 Holiday Schedule Changes
Posted December 17, 2015 in Client News & Updates
Due to the Christmas and New Year’s Holidays, please note the following schedule changes: Early Closing Friday (12/18): Corporate Offices & Support: Closing 12:00pm Christmas Schedule Thursday (12/24): Medical Offices: Closing: 11:30am Corporate Offices & Support: Closing 12:00pm Friday (1[Read more]

Wage Parity Clarity Symposium a Massive Success!
Posted December 14, 2015 in Webinars & Events
Garden City, Long Island– Earlier today, a hundred representatives from home care agencies across Long Island came together at Mobile Health’s Second Wage Parity symposium. Held in order to learn about the changes to Long Island’s wage parity benefit rates, the symposium saw an excellent t[Read more]

The Carnivore’s Dilemma
Posted December 11, 2015 in Health & Wellness
On October, 26, the International Agency for Research on Cancer, or IARC for short, issued some devastating news for carnivores everywhere: RED MEAT IS POISON, AND EATING IT IS BASICALLY THE SAME AS EATING GLASS. Basically… Practically… Ok, maybe not, but that’s what you’d think the IARC sai[Read more]

Health Alert: Potential Hepatitis A Exposure at a Seneca County Restaurant.
Posted November 23, 2015 in Health Alerts
On Friday November 13th the New York State Department of Health (NYSDOH) issued a health alert for people who may have eaten at a McDonalds on Route 414 and Mound Road in Waterloo NY. There has been a confirmed case of acute Hepatitis A in one of the workers at the restaurant, and as a[Read more]

World Wide Pressure Ulcer Prevention Day
Posted November 18, 2015 in Health & Wellness
Very soon now humanity will reach a tremendous milestone. For the first time in recorded human history, there are going to be more people over the age of 65 than under the age of 5. Some experts predict that, by 2050, the 65+ population will comprise roughly 16% of the global population. So if you[Read more]

New Procedure Category: Declination
Posted September 17, 2015 in Client News & Updates Mobile Health Advantage
In order to make online reporting more accurate, Mobile Health has introduced a new feature into our Online Client Portal. Should a patient decline a procedure, their declination will be reflected in their employer’s report. This allows employers to more precisely understand what exactly has happe[Read more]