NYC Drug Testing LinkedIn Group
Posted July 16, 2013 in Press Releases
Join Mobile Heath in the newly created LinkedIn group: NYC Drug Testing. This group was created and is moderated by Mobile Health marketing coordinator, Rafael Landeiro. The group will feature news, editorials, how-to’s, and be an open forum for employers looking to learn more about workplace[Read more]

What happens when an employee fails a drug test?
Posted July 5, 2013 in Business Resources
What happens when an employee fails a drug test? The entire reason for workplace drug screening is to prevent drug abusers from joining a company payroll. However, what actually happens when a drug test comes up as positive? When in doubt, employers should always consult with a lawyer for legal advi[Read more]

Marijuana Drug Test Detection Times in Urine
Posted June 20, 2013 in Health & Wellness
Previously, we posted an article on standard drug test detection period and it generated a lot of interest from employers looking to find out exactly what does a drug test check for. Our previous article tried to provide a short and rough idea of how drug detection works by covering multiple substan[Read more]

3 Ways to Keep Your Employees Engaged
Posted June 12, 2013 in Guest Post
The following is a guest post. and does not represent services or advice from Mobile Health. It is no secret that not all jobs are very exciting. Some jobs can be so mundane that they are painful to go to. That is why you have to do everything you can to keep your employees engages. If[Read more]

You Know You’re in HR When…
Posted June 6, 2013 in Health & Wellness
How hard is it to work in HR? Here are the top 20 interesting descriptions we found shared online: You still get calls from employees who resigned 5 years ago looking for work advice. You get cornered in the in the bathroom with “I was wondering” questions. People confuse HR for JD and assume yo[Read more]

Drug Test Detection Period
Posted May 29, 2013 in Health & Wellness
Did you know that the detection period for drugs during a drug test varies greatly? For example, an infrequent smoker of marijuana might pass a urine drug test 3 weeks after last use, but a regular smoker will test positive for up to 2 months after last use! Cocaine users have even a shorter detec[Read more]

5 Simple Facts about Mobile Health Records to be Aware Of
Posted May 13, 2013 in Guest Post
The following is a guest post. and does not represent services or advice from Mobile Health. The use of electronic health records is on the rise across almost all medical providers, from hospitals to private practices, as providers continue to shift away from paper-based records systems in order to[Read more]

Thank you ASIS-NYC
Posted May 13, 2013 in Webinars & Events
Mobile Health would like to thank the New York Chapter of ASIS for their 23rd Security Expo at Jacob Javits Center. On May 8th & 9th, Mobile Health was present at booth 534 to meet with business leaders and discuss employee screening options. Jason Roberts, Jenelle De LaRosa, and Rafael Landeiro[Read more]

The Benefits of ACL Surgery
Posted May 6, 2013 in Guest Post
The following is a guest post. and does not represent services or advice from Mobile Health Anterior Cruciate Ligament repair is a form of orthopedic surgery. The Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) is located in the middle of the knee joint and connects the thigh bone (femur) to the shin bone (tibia)[Read more]
Now Offering: Prescription Discount Cards
Posted April 25, 2013 in Press Releases
Mobile Health understands that a healthy lifestyle is a better lifestyle, but sometimes high medical costs can get in the way. This is why we partnered with WellCard Rx to provide prescription discount cards to all our patients. The cards are available in every location, and online through our web[Read more]