Background checks for healthcare professionals in New York State
Posted February 13, 2013 in Business Resources
Mobile Health has background check packages for a variety of different employees in an organization. But what reports do you need for a healthcare employee? Screen the screener. Any background check program has to start with the data, and who is providing it to you. Receiving incomplete, misleading[Read more]
Mobile Health offices closing at 3pm due to weather emergency
Posted February 8, 2013 in Mobile Health Updates
Good afternoon, Due to the dangerous weather conditions, all Mobile Health offices are closing at 3pm today. This includes all medical centers and administrative offices. I’m sorry for any inconvenience, and hope you and your family stay safe during this storm. Thank you, and stay safe, Rafael[Read more]
Mobile Health’s Webinar with Sterling on Background Checks
Posted February 7, 2013 in Webinars & Events
On February 6th, Mobile Health was joined by Sterling Infosystems to present a webinar on background checks and its value to your business. Later in the webinar we show cased our client portal and how easy it is to integrate our background check program with drug screens and employee physica[Read more]
Top 5 Myths of Employee Screening
Posted January 29, 2013 in Business Resources
Many companies are hesitant to initiate a pre-employment screening policy beyond the interview because of misconceptions about the process. Here are 5 common myths about employee screening, drug testing, and pre-employment background checks that every employer and HR professional needs to be aware o[Read more]
Mobile Health NY Releases Infographic Showcasing the Costs and Dangers of Workplace Drug Abuse
Posted January 28, 2013 in Press Releases
Infographic informs employers about the hidden costs of workplace drug abuse and the benefits of a pre-employment drug testing policy. “America cannot afford to spend five times the NASA budget on employee drug abuse.” New York, NY (PRWEB) January 28, 2013 Data compiled from multiple gov[Read more]
Mobile Health Launches Background Check Screening Services in New York City
Posted January 24, 2013 in Press Releases
Mobile Health, NYC occupational health and employee screening company announces partnership with Sterling Infosystems for background check reporting. Free webinar to follow on 2/6. Mobile Health’s complete employee screening program in NYC Powered by Sterling, Mobile Health’s background chec[Read more]

Mobile Health Technology Testimonials
Posted January 14, 2013 in Mobile Health Advantage
In the winter of 2012, Mobile Health surveyed its 300+ clients and found that many of them loved the value that they were getting. Reasons why ranged from enthusiasm about the time they save to the ease of use. But one thing many of them came back to was how much they loved the Client Portal.[Read more]
EbruNews visits Mobile Health to discuss flu crises
Posted January 11, 2013 in Press Releases
Andrew Shulman CEO speaks to EbruNews about the current state of the flu [Read more]
Raleigh County School’s drug test program showing results
Posted December 31, 2012 in Health & Wellness
By Sarah PlummerRegister-Herald Reporter Raleigh County School’s new Pre-employment, Post-offer Drug Test Program is already ensuring drug-free hires, reported schools Safety Director Jennifer Colvin at Thursday’s meeting of the board of education. During November, the first month testing was im[Read more]
Treat nutrition and cancer research cautiously: study
Posted December 17, 2012 in Health & Wellness
NEW YORK (Reuters Health) – Studies suggesting that everything from cinnamon to lobster either raises or lowers a person’s risk of cancer may sometimes be a bunch of baloney, a new report suggests. Researchers created a list of 50 random food items, then found studies from the last 35 ye[Read more]