
News and updates on Mobile Health's employee screening and occupational health

From my physical, to the drawing of my blood, the staff was very professional and I was pleased.
—Mobile Health Patient

Diet, Exercise May Boost ‘Good’ Cholesterol, Study Suggests

Posted October 12, 2012 in Health & Wellness
THURSDAY, Oct. 11 (HealthDay News) — For overweight people with diabetes, intensive exercise and dieting not only aids weight loss, it can also help train their fat cells to produce a hormone believed to boost production of “good” cholesterol, according to a new study. And this so-[Read more]

Eat chocolate, win the Nobel Prize?

Posted October 11, 2012 in Health & Wellness
NEW YORK (Reuters Health) – Of all the chocolate research out there, the most unabashed tribute to the “dark gold” has to be a study just published in one of the world’s most prestigious medical journals. Drum roll, please: The higher a country’s chocolate consumption, [Read more]

Health Tip: At Risk for High Cholesterol?

Posted October 9, 2012 in Health & Wellness
(HealthDay News) — Risk factors for high cholesterol include things you can’t control, such as age, gender and family history. But lifestyle choices — factors you can control — are a big part of the equation, too. The Cleveland Clinic says controllable risk factors for high c[Read more]

NYC Drug Testing & Employee Screening

Posted October 8, 2012 in Business Resources
When safety and compliance matter, trust Mobile Health. In business since 1984, we perform over 200,000 employee screenings per year in our 6 offices across NYC and Long Island. You can expect: Competitive pricing providing the maximum value for every dollar spent Industry standard 5,7,8,9 and 10 [Read more]

Pack School Lunches That Are Healthy and Fun

Posted September 10, 2012 in Health & Wellness
SATURDAY, Sept. 1 (HealthDay News) — Packing nutritious and fun school lunches can help children achieve and maintain a healthy weight. Here are some tips for parents from Dr. William Gillespie, a pediatrician and chief medical officer at New York City-based EmblemHealth. Give your children a [Read more]

Keeping Up a Healthy Lifestyle Pays Off in Added Years: Study

Posted September 10, 2012 in Health & Wellness
FRIDAY, Aug. 31 (HealthDay News) — So how much of a benefit might you get from exercising, eating right and avoiding vices like smoking? New research from Sweden suggests that healthy living into old age can boost life spans by several years. The study sought to determine how healthy living af[Read more]

‘Magic’ Carpet Could Help Shield Elderly From Falls

Posted September 10, 2012 in Health & Wellness
THURSDAY, Sept. 6 (HealthDay News) — Researchers report that it’s possible to use plastic optical fibers in carpeting to warn seniors when their walking patterns might put them in danger of falling. The fibers, placed on a carpet underlay, work by sensing a person’s movement throug[Read more]

Could Internet Addiction Be Genetic?

Posted September 10, 2012 in Health & Wellness
TUESDAY, Sept. 4 (HealthDay News) — Not only is Internet addiction a legitimate compulsion, it may have the same genetic component as nicotine addiction, a new study suggests. Out of nearly 850 people interviewed about their Internet habits, German researchers evaluated 132 who showed signs of[Read more]

Millions of Americans Have Uncontrolled High Blood Pressure: CDC

Posted September 10, 2012 in Health & Wellness
TUESDAY, Sept. 4 (HealthDay News) — One-third of Americans have high blood pressure and only half of them have it under control, dramatically increasing their risk for possibly fatal heart attacks and strokes, a new government report shows. That translates into 67 million Americans with high b[Read more]

Newsletter #2

Posted September 10, 2012 in Mobile Health Updates
OSHA targeting steps, slips & falls Working in a nursing home or residential care facility can be hazardous, according to OSHA, which estimates that nursing home employees miss work at a rate that is 2.3 times higher than all other private industry businesses combined. These lost-time days large[Read more]