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They are professional and organized. They are always helpful.
—Mobile Health Patient

NYS Youth Tax Refunds!

Posted October 3, 2014

You can expect at least a 200% increase in your tax credits by allowing Mobile Health’s partner to handle the workload of finding all the federal and state tax credits that your company is owed, and there is no upfront cost to register for this program. How many employees have you hired this year? How[Read the Rest]

ROI Calculator

Flu Vaccination Return-on-Investment Calculator

Posted July 31, 2014

Taking into account lost productivity and costs attributed to flu absenteeism, Mobile Health’s flu vaccination ROI calculator estimates the savings that businesses might expect when vaccinating their employees using Mobile Health’s flu shot solutions. The flu vaccine ROI calculator can be found at: The new tool demonstrates the cost-effectiveness of vaccination, requiring only three[Read the Rest]

set up on-site flu clinic

Setting Up a Flu Shot Program at Your Worksite

Posted July 17, 2014

The flu can be a nuisance, not only to those who are unfortunate enough to fall ill but to businesses as well. Hosting a vaccination program has been shown to save businesses at least $46 in medical care and sick leave costs per vaccinated employee, and even more (up to $95 per vaccinated employee) if[Read the Rest]

Tax Credit Management

Managing Your Tax Credits

Posted June 24, 2014

Mobile Health now provides access to tax credit service professionals to help clients acquire the tax credits they deserve by hiring new qualified employees. These tax credits can add up to $9,000 per new hire but many companies are unaware of their existence or how to manage the process with the state and federal governments.[Read the Rest]

5 panel drug testing

5 Panel Drug Testing Process

Posted October 9, 2013

Mobile Health performs nearly 200,000 drug tests a year, and has a specialized and professional approach to ensure accurate reporting of every test. Our 5 panel drug test is the most popular method in employer drug testing, most commonly used with urine. It may also be tested using hair, blood, or saliva samples instead. The[Read the Rest]

Flu Shot vs Face Mask (infographic)

Posted August 14, 2013

As the flu season approaches, the New York Department of Health will start inspecting healthcare providers to make sure they comply with the new flu shot regulations. The new rule requires that all employees not vaccinated against the flu virus to wear a face mask while serving their patients. As providers look for ways to[Read the Rest]

Flu Shot Survey Results

Posted August 5, 2013

On July 25, Mobile Health surveyed several New York State healthcare providers to learn individual approaches to the new flu shot requirement. This survey is a snapshot of New York City area agencies and organizations who are directly affected by this new regulation. Below are the selected aggregated responses: (Note: Some questions allowed for multiple[Read the Rest]

What happens when an employee fails a drug test?

Posted July 5, 2013

What happens when an employee fails a drug test? The entire reason for workplace drug screening is to prevent drug abusers from joining a company payroll. However, what actually happens when a drug test comes up as positive? When in doubt, employers should always consult with a lawyer for legal advice. Every state has different[Read the Rest]

Difference between a health physical and a pre-employment physical?

Posted April 19, 2013

Congratulations on the new job! But why do you need a pre-employment physical and why can’t you go see your personal doctor? Employers who require a pre-employment physical general are either required to by state or federal law or need to ensure that the individual is fit to work. The exam will differ based on[Read the Rest]

Tuberculosis Glossary & Fact Sheet

Posted April 12, 2013

A Tuberculosis test is common with many pre-employment physicals and is recommended for anyone with a high risk factor. But a lot of technical medical terms are involved in assessing which test to take, the benefits are being tested and what increases the risk of TB exposure and TB symptoms that require urgent medical attention.[Read the Rest]
