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—Mobile Health Client

Flu Pandemic Sweeps the Nation

Posted January 13, 2015

Due to a weakened flu vaccination strain and rising influenza hospitalizations, we are in for a fierce flu season. ‘Influenza A’, also known as ‘H3N2’, is this year’s most prevalent flu strain.  It has been very rampant this winter all around the country and in Puerto Rico.  The Centers of Disease Control and Prevention says[Read the Rest]

Healthcare Personnel and Ebola Preparation

Posted October 29, 2014

As the Ebola virus continues to devastate parts of West Africa and creeps into Europe and the United States, the most likely targets right now are the healthcare personnel (HCP) tasked with treating and caring for the ill. Since HCP’s work closely with patients and are present during some of the most contagious times of[Read the Rest]

Influenza vaccine shortage scare

Possible influenza vaccine shortage by GSK

Posted July 8, 2014

Fears of an influenza vaccine shortage were heightened recently when the FDA announced irregularities at a major manufacturing plant in Canada operated by GlaxoSmithKline (GSK), a global pharmaceutical company. The GSK plant is contracted to provide 6.36 million vaccine doses to a variety of Canadian government agencies and 23 million to US healthcare providers. This[Read the Rest]

Flu Epidemic Map

Northeast Still Under Widespread Flu Activity

Posted May 8, 2014

The latest CDC map of national flu activity shows only Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, and New York as states with ‘widespread flu activity’. Most of the other 46 states show local or sporadic activity. New York State specifically reported influenza activity in 46 counties and all five boroughs of New York City. The cause for[Read the Rest]

Mumps Outbreak at Fordham University

Posted February 24, 2014

The New York City Health Department is investigating a confirmed outbreak of mumps (PDF) at Fordham University in the Rose Hill campus in the Bronx as well as the Lincoln Center campus in Manhattan. As of today, 2/24/14, there are 13 confirmed cases among students at both campuses. Infected students were either sent home to[Read the Rest]
