On June 19th 2019, The New York State Department of Health (DOH) issued a PPD shortage advisory. The advisory indicated a shortage of purified protein derivative (PPD) solution for tuberculin skin testing, in response to an anticipated three- to 10-month Aplisol® shortage. DOH temporarily recommends an adjustment to tuberculosis (TB)-testing procedures for employee testing programs if institutions experience a shortage of testing product.
New York State regulations still require serial testing for healthcare personnel in various clinical settings. However, facilities experiencing a shortage of PPD testing solution can defer repeat testing for persons with the appropriate baseline testing and no new risk for infection or disease on annual assessment.
Testing Priorities During PPD Shortage
The advisory noted it will be important to maintain tuberculosis (TB) testing capability for persons at risk of tuberculosis, including healthcare personnel in various clinical settings. Other highest priority persons for TB testing include:
- Persons who are contacts to infectious cases
- Anyone being evaluated for suspected active TB
- Individuals at increased risk for TB due to medical condition
- Persons who recently arrived from countries with a high incidence of TB
Click here to download the full article
Sumer King, Zeynep et al. New York State DOH Guidance on Shortage of Tuberculin Skin Test Solution. Greater New York Hospital Association (2019). https://www.gnyha.org/news/new-york-state-doh-guidance-on-shortage-of-tuberculin-skin-test-solution/
Tags: CDC, DOH, ppd, Shortage, tuberculosis