Background Check Reports
Employers can choose from a wide variety of background checks. These include criminal record searches as well as educational, employment and professional license verification. The following sections define the types of background checks employers can request through Mobile Health.
Federal Criminal Record Search
Federal criminal record searches discover criminal court file information. Mobile Health accesses this information via one or more of the 94 U.S. federal district courthouses located throughout the nation. These searches are conducted for crimes involving violations of federal law (e.g., money laundering, counterfeiting, racketeering, crimes committed across states lines, etc.). Federal criminal record searches are conducted at the specific U.S. district court covering the region where an applicant has resided. Searches are typically conducted to reflect the most recent 7-year period of court record information.
Statewide Criminal Record Search
Mobile Health conducts statewide criminal record searches in states that permit the legal dissemination of criminal record information by individual state repositories. Crimes reported may include felonies, misdemeanors and traffic violations. Due to legal restrictions, however, some states do not allow repositories to disseminate criminal record data. In other cases, those states that permit dissemination may require fingerprint cards or a special authorization form.
County Criminal Record Search
Mobile Health offers extensive, real-time criminal record checks at the county level. We will retrieve records, typically housed at one central location within each county. We report detailed case information including, but not limited to, the following:
- Jurisdictions searched
- Case number
- Offense type
- Date of offense
- Disposition date/specifics
- Confirmation of whether the case resulted in a conviction or non-conviction
- Pertinent applicant identifiers.
Enhanced National Criminal Search

The proprietary national criminal record database we utilize contains more than 300 million criminal record files. The database compiles information in this national criminal record file from a variety of sources, including local law enforcement, statewide criminal record repositories, states’ departments of correction records, state parole and probation records, local public records sources, etc. The national criminal file, therefore, may uncover criminal information in multiple states/jurisdictions where the applicant has had no previous address history. The Enhanced National Criminal Search also includes sexual offender data from 50 states.
Please note: we recommend that the National Criminal Search be used in conjunction with a physical/real-time search of the local, county, or federal court records.
Sexual Offender Registry Search
Searches can be conducted on an individual state sex offender registry and/or the national sex offender registry. While convictions for sexual offenses will appear on the criminal record in the county or state where the offense was committed, often sexual offenders relocate where a state or county criminal records search will not reflect the offense. Information returned from sexual offender registry inquiries may include: name, AKA name, physical characteristics, date of birth, residential address, employer, county, state of conviction, date of conviction, and offense(s).
Suspected Terrorist Watch List Check
The proprietary Suspected Terrorist Watch List can provide snapshot confirmation of the recorded or suspected terrorist affiliation of applicants pursuing employment with your company. Know the people you welcome into your corporate culture by examining the multiple, often unearthed dimensions of their backgrounds. Match your applicant reports against federal lists of known or suspected terrorists and money launderers. Use the Suspected Terrorist Watch List to round off the comprehensive reports on your applicants.
Social Security Trace

Using a unique approach termed TRUSST (Tracking Residences Using Social Security Trace), Mobile Health provides its clients with the most comprehensive criminal record search regimen available. The process begins by searching the applicant’s Social Security number through a national credit bureau repository. Both the name and address history belonging to that Social Security number are returned for evaluation. Next, a listing of the subject’s current and former address history for the most recent 7-year period is extracted from the Social Security number trace. County criminal record searches are then processed by Mobile Health for all residence addresses, regardless of the number of address locations. Utilization of the TRUSST product has proven to double, and in some cases triple, the hit rates of new customers.
Employment Verification
Mobile Health can verify information concerning the applicant’s employment history through personnel/human resources departments. Job-related information that we typically verify includes the name of the employer, dates employed, job title(s) and position, eligibility for rehire, reason for leaving and salary.
Education Verification
Mobile Health can verify the applicant’s highest level of education attained or degree claimed. Verification includes the name of the institution, dates of attendance, date of graduation, degree obtained and type or field of study.
Professional License Verification

Mobile Health can verify the validity of the applicant’s professional licenses and/or certifications. Our team makes direct contact with the responsible accrediting agency and/or professional association. Verification will be made of the applicant’s license number, type of license/certification issued, date issued, expiration date and any disciplinary actions, sanctions, suspensions or revocations.
County Civil Record Search
The County Civil Records Search reveals civil suits filed by or against the applicant. It may also reveal worker’s compensation claims. Civil records are housed in either the higher or lower courts based on monetary amount of the claim. Unless otherwise specified, Mobile Health primarily conducts search on higher courts.
OFAC – Office of Foreign Assets Control Search
The OFAC search provides a list of persons or entities known for doing business with terrorists and terrorist organizations. The Federal Bank Regulatory Agencies review financial institutions under their supervision to determine the adequacy of compliance programs with regard to OFAC Regulations. Insurance companies, securities and investment firms, and import/export trading companies are also subject to OFAC regulations.
GSA – U.S. General Services Administration Excluded Parties Search
The GSA database includes information regarding entities debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, excluded or disqualified under the non-procurement common rule, or otherwise declared ineligible from receiving federal contracts, certain subcontracts, and certain federal assistance and benefits. Industries that pertain to this search are: health services, insurance, banking, trade, and retail services.
OIG – Office of Inspector General List of Excluded Individuals and Entities
The OIG LEIE database search provides a list of persons or entities involved in patient abuse, health care fraud, or convicted of controlled substance felonies. The OIG maintains the List of Excluded Individuals/Entities (LEIE), a database that provides information to the public, healthcare providers, patients and others about parties excluded from participation in the Medicare, Medicaid and all federal healthcare programs.
FACIS Reporting
The FACIS® (Fraud and Abuse Control Information System) search identifies any wrong actions of individuals and entities in the health care field. FACIS® is a registered trademark of Verisys Corporation.
This industry-leading search includes information on disciplinary actions ranging from exclusions and debarments to letters of reprimand and probation. Our FACIS® search offers three options, ranging from the minimum federal requirements to a search inclusive of more than 800 sources in 50 states.
Choose the level that best fits your needs:
- Level 1: We search the Office of the Inspector General (OIG), General Services Administration (GSA), and other federal databases. This search meets the government’s minimum requirements as outlined in the OIG’s Compliance Program Guidance.
- Level 2: We search OIG/GSA and other federal sources, in addition to sources from an individual state of your choice. This search meets the minimum federal requirements and provides limited state-licensure protection.
- Level 3: We search OIG/GSA and other federal sources, in addition to over 800 sources from all 50 states. Level 3 is the most robust search option, offering full coverage for a high-level risk management policy.
FACIS® Level 3 is the most preferred search method and the most comprehensive search method available for companies in the healthcare market.
International Checks

With our international background checks, companies can obtain international criminal background information and verification services on prospective employees. Mobile Health offers cost effective, fast and convenient services. Further, we manage all data according to internationally accepted Fair Information Handling Practices. We can guide companies through the requirements of individual countries, help resolve language barriers and identification issues, and assist companies in working through the issues created by the variance in legal systems and costs. We complement companies’ domestic hiring guidelines while helping them to ensure compliance internationally.
Mobile Health provides a simple and easy to use employment eligibility verification system. This system allows clients to benefit from the elimination of the administrative hassles of completing, organizing, and maintaining I-9 forms.
Benefits of E-Verify:
- Cost savings due to reduced paper, filing cabinets, microfilm, etc.
- All I-9’s completed correctly and compliantly – fewer errors.
- Easily search signed I-9s from your desktop and view all modifications through an Audit Report.
- Consistent, centralized, documented, and compliant processes across all locations.
- Proactively enforce correct combination of documents accepted for I-9 verification.
Adverse Action Support
In conjunction with our employment screening services, clients may also elect to generate administrative FCRA-imposed employer adverse action documents through Mobile Health. Based upon all “Fail” individual scoring designations or in response to documented, applicant-specific requests submitted by the client, Mobile Health offers the consumer disclosure compliance services as required under federal law. As appropriate, the necessary pre-adverse and adverse action notifications, as well as a summary of consumer rights, can be electronically generated through Mobile Health. Clients can order and print the forms on-demand as necessary. Mobile Health documents and time-stamps all transactions to generate the adverse action materials, assisting our clients in maintaining a watertight, legally-insulated compliance program.