In an October 2014 workshop on health services presented by the National Research Council & the Institute of Medicine, key speaker Steven Landers (CEO of the Visiting Nurse Association Health Group) discussed the lasting advantages of home healthcare services. Landers emphasized the diminished risk of infections among elderly patients when staying at home versus at the hospital, as well the increased familiarity and subsequent personalized care.
This increased familiarity can lead to caregivers having a clearer understanding of a patient’s needs & wants, which can improve a patient’s experience while receiving care. For these reasons, Landers believes that Home Healthcare could be the major type of health care by 2024.
Home Health Aide Employee Numbers
The number of people working as Home Health Aides has skyrocketed in the last few years and is projected to continue increasing at a very high rate.
The US Department of Labor estimates that in 2012, 875,100 people were employed as Home Health Aides, while another 424,000 new jobs are projected to open by 2022.
If home care becomes a preferred option and demand spikes, naturally this number of new jobs could increase even more.
Economic Advantages of Homecare
According to accreditednursing.com, the typical cost of a day of home care is approximately $135. Contrasted with the average price tags of $622 for a day in a skilled nursing facility and $6,200 for a day in a hospital, this is an enormous savings. Coupled with potential social benefits that may contribute to homecare costs for patients, homecare is an affordable option and therefore homecare’s future, just from an economic standpoint, is bright.
Best-case patient advantages through Homecare
Besides economic benefits, patients receiving homecare can, ideally, receive the additional benefits of having a steady care provider who completely knows their personality and needs. This can lead to more compassionate care, as well as more attentive care. Further, patients receiving homecare can age and deal with their illness in the comfort of their own homes, a situation which has the potential to contribute to a greater sense of well-being and health than the confines of a hospital.
New Advantages for Homecare Employees
Home Health Aides have the advantage of being able to work in a caring capacity without having to have expensive medical degrees. Further, Home Health Aides typically work with one patient, which can allow a greater comfort level and understanding of the job.
One disadvantage of working as Home Health Aide historically has been low pay and lack of employee benefits. However, some states have enacted new legislation that can improve employment conditions and employee satisfaction. In New York State, wage parity legislation can be utilized by Home Health Agencies to provide superior health benefits and other benefits for employees.
This situation benefits both Home Health Aides & potential Homecare patients. As further legislation is enacted and conditions improve for Home Health Aides, it’s likely that more prospects will be drawn to the profession, allowing patients seeking Homecare to find someone to care for them.
Mobile Health Homecare Services
Mobile Health is a leading provider of Home Health Aide health screening services, including tb tests, drug testing, employee physicals, and flu shots. Mobile Health also offers Wage Parity plans that help Home Health Agencies deal with wage parity regulations more efficiently.