Frequently Asked Questions

Information for your upcoming appointment

Their organization and employees, both working in the clinics and in the administrative offices, have shown overwhelming knowledge and passion for providing the very best care.
—Mobile Health Client

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Review this list of FAQs for all the information you’ll need to schedule, prepare for and follow up with your Mobile Health appointment.


Do you accept walk-ins?

What is the A/B ticket system?

What types of insurance do you take?

How can I schedule an appointment?

How do I change my appointment location and/or date?


What payment methods do you accept?

What time should I arrive for my appointment?

What happens if I’m late or I miss my appointment?

What do I need to bring to my appointment?

Do I need to fast before my appointment?

Do I need to pay for my exam?


When are my exam results available?

Who gets my results?

How can I request a copy of my medical records?

Still have more inquiries? CONTACT US


Do you accept walk-ins?

To make sure we see all patients in a timely manner, we highly recommend appointments. Patients who arrive without an appointment may face longer wait times and, at the discretion of the location’s staff, risk not being seen.

FAQ Section: Scheduling Your Appointment

What is the A/B ticket system?

To help decrease wait times for all patients, Mobile Health has an A/B ticket system. When you arrive, the front desk will compare the current time to your appointment time.

A Tickets

If you arrived within 30 minutes of your appointment time, and are in the right location, on the right date, you will be given an A ticket.

B Tickets

If you arrived over 30 minutes before or after your appointment time, or are in the wrong location, or on the wrong date, you will be given a B ticket.

If you arrived too early and received a B ticket, you can wait until 30 minutes before your appointment to trade it for an A ticket.

  • Mobile Health will call and see
    all A ticket-holders before calling B ticket-holders.
  • For example, if your appointment is at 3:00 PM:
  • Your arrival time:
  • You will be given a/an:
  • Arrive more than 30 minutes before your appointment.
  • 2:00 PM
  • B Ticket
  • Arrive 30 minutes or less before your appointment.
  • 2:30 PM
  • A Ticket
  • Arrive at actual appointment time.
  • 3:00 PM
  • A Ticket
  • Arrive 30 minutes or less after your appointment.
  • 3:30 PM
  • A Ticket
  • Arrive more than 30 minutes after your appointment.
  • 4:00 PM
  • B Ticket

For example, if the appointment is for 3:00 pm, and the patient arrived between 2:30 pm and 3:30 pm, an A ticket will be given. If the patient arrives at 4:00 pm, then a B ticket will be given. If the patient arrives at 2:00 pm, then a B ticket will be given as well, but may be traded for an A ticket at 2:30 pm.

FAQ Section: Scheduling Your Appointment

What types of insurance do you take?

Mobile Health does not accept health insurance.

FAQ Section: Scheduling Your Appointment

How can I schedule an appointment?

Appointments are available by phone or online. You can call 212-695-5122 during normal business hours to make an appointment, or request one online. Online appointments are not immediate and may take up to 48 hours to be confirmed.

Sometimes employers prevent employees from making their own appointment. In these cases, contact your employer to make the appointment for you.

FAQ Section: Scheduling Your Appointment

How do I change my appointment location and/or date?

You can contact Mobile Health to make the change.

Sometimes employers prevent employees from changing the appointment. In these cases, contact your employer to change the appointment for you.

If you do not change your appointment and arrive at the wrong location, or different date or time, then you may experience longer than expected waiting time and risk not being seen.


What payment methods do you accept?

Mobile Health locations accept cash, credit or debit cards. We do not accept checks. If you are paying with cash, we do not accept bills larger than $20 denominations.

Please do not bring $50 or $100 bills for payment – we will not accept them.

FAQ Section: Preparing for Your Appointment

What time should I arrive for my appointment?

Patients should arrive within 30 minutes before or after their appointment. For example, if your appointment is for 3:00 pm, please arrive between 2:30 pm and 3:30 pm.

If you arrive earlier or later than 30 minutes of your appointment time, you may experience a longer than expected wait time.

FAQ Section: Preparing for Your Appointment

What happens if I’m late or I miss my appointment?

If you are late for your appointment, please check our hours of operation to make sure your intended location will still be open.

If you are arriving during regular open hours, there is no need to call ahead. But remember that late arrivals may experience a longer than expected wait time.

If you are not able to arrive during regular open hours or do not want to experience a longer wait time, then contact Mobile Health or your employer to change your appointment to a different day or location.

If you miss your appointment, then contact Mobile Health or your employer to reschedule the appointment.

FAQ Section: Preparing for Your Appointment

What do I need to bring to my appointment?


You must bring a valid photo ID with you for your appointment. If you do not have a valid photo ID, you will not be seen and your appointment must be rescheduled.

Medical Records

It is recommended that you bring any medical history related to the procedures in your exam. For example, you are encouraged to bring any immunization records, titer blood tests, or TB test results related to your appointment exam.


If you are paying for your appointment, then bring the appropriate payment amount in either cash or available in a debit or credit card. Mobile Health does not accept any bills larger than $20. We will not accept $50 or $100 bills.

FAQ Section: Preparing for Your Appointment

Do I need to fast before my appointment?

Unless instructed otherwise, you do not need to fast before a Mobile Health appointment. If you are unsure, you can always contact us.

FAQ Section: Preparing for Your Appointment

Do I need to pay for my exam?

Your appointment confirmation will provide payment instructions: whether your employer is covering the cost or you are responsible for payment. If you are unsure, please contact your employer or contact Mobile Health directly.

If you do need to pay for the exam, then please do not bring bills larger than $20. We cannot accept $50 or $100 bills.


When are my exam results available?

Most results are available with 2-3 business days, but it may take longer depending on the testing services requested. If your results are not available after 5 business days, you can contact Mobile Health for a status update.

FAQ Section: Your Exam Results

Who gets my results?

Initial result access depends on the original payer of the exam.

If you paid for your appointment: You can pick up your results in person at the Mobile Health location you visited or have it mailed to your address on file. Before you leave after your appointment, please let the receptionist know how you would like your records made available.

If your employer paid for your exam: Your records will be provided directly to the employer and you will have to request a copy of your medical record.

  • Not Using Employer Account
  • Using Employer Account
  • Patient Pay
  • Only the patient gets a copy of results.
  • The patient gets a copy of the results.
    The employer gets a digital copy through their Client Portal.
  • Employer Pay
  • Only the employer gets a digital copy through their Client Portal.
FAQ Section: Your Exam Results

How can I request a copy of my medical records?

Requests for medical records can be made through the mail or online. Records are normally processed within 10-15 business days, but may be expedited to 2-3 business days.

Requests for copies of your medical records cannot be made in-person and cannot be picked up in person. All requests must be made via the mail or online, and all records will be mailed to the patient address on file.

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