Many states are recommending robust testing of K-12 students, faculty and staff to prevent transmission of COVID-19. Testing not only quickly identifies and isolates positive cases, reducing spread, but also reassures parents and communities.
COVID-19 testing for K-12 districts also is an effective route to schools reopening.
Mobile Health already provides on-campus COVID-19 testing for many school systems across the United States, from K-12 to colleges and universities. We can quickly deploy a testing team to a campus or district, with the staff and technology to test thousands of students and staff weekly.
How Mobile Health K-12 Testing Works
Mobile Health works with school administrators to design a testing strategy that is both budget-friendly and meets district needs. Schools can choose from rapid and lab-based testing, with results available in as little as 15 minutes. We bring all staff and supplies and manage all operational details, from student check-in to recording test results. Additionally, our HIPAA-secure technology platform simplifies results tracking and reporting.
Combine Mobile Health on-campus COVID-19 testing with our COVID-19 vaccine administration and Respirator Fit Tests for an end-to-end health and safety solution for students, faculty and staff.
Contact Mobile Health today for your free COVID-19 services consultation with our testing and screening experts.
Tags: COVID-19 Vaccine Administration, K-12 COVID-19 testing, on-campus COVID-19 testing, respirator fit tests, school reopening