For the eighth edition of Meet the Staff, we introduce you to Mike Finn, Director of Finance at Mobile Health.
Mike Finn is a proud Jersey born and raised fan. Originally from Jersey City, he earned his bachelor’s in Accounting from Jersey City State College. The idea of an accounting degree was the result of a natural interest in business finances and taxes – two of his favorite topics from an early age. Eventually he continued this pursuit into a Masters of Taxation from Pace University. Give the opportunity, Mike shared that he would even aim for a J.D. in tax law.
Starting with his first job as a Junior Accountant, Mike quickly learned that business finances isn’t only about numbers and math. He realized that much of a company’s financial health is reliant on the company’s operational health. That understanding introduced him to the real world connection between finance and operations, an important topic sometimes overlooked in a classroom environment.
With this new found knowledge, Mike made sure to understand a business’s’ operations just as much as their balance sheet. He shares, “Every operational decision has a financial implication and therefore it is extremely important for the accountants to work closely with operation managers.”
He utilized this knowledge while working as a Cost Analyst and eventually as a Chief Financial Officer. And in between, Mike would share his management advice as a consultant in hopes of helping other companies have a better understanding of their corporate health as a whole.
Another way Mike shares his unique insights is through teaching. When Mike would review resumes and interview applicants for accounting and financial positions, he was concerned many students were graduating without the necessary skills and knowledge to actually perform the job. Seeing a great opportunity to help others, Mike teaches accounting at nights and makes sure his students have a real world education on what to expect from the workplace.
When interviewing at Mobile Health, Mike was excited by the possibility of contributing to an organization quickly growing. Once again, Mike shared his passion for finance and operations and was soon hired as Mobile Health’s Director of Finance. And when the opportunity arose, he also accepted the title of Director of Operations.
Finally at the position to manage both of his most passionate areas, Mike is able to execute his creative business ideas and steer Mobile Health into a successful healthy business.