Meet Trish Walsh – Operations & Customer Service Mgr.

The entire process was very well run and the wait time between the different procedures was short. I was very impressed that the staff made the effort to learn some basic Chinese to help patients.
—Mobile Health Patient
Trish Walsh customer service

When Trish Walsh applied to be Mobile Health’s office manager in 2010 after 15 years as a missionary, she boasted a solid connection. From age 14 to 21, Trish, today Mobile Health’s Operations and Customer Service Manager, had worked at another of company founder Bert E. Brodsky’s companies.

“Back then, Mobile Health was just beginning,” she recalls. During her 10-year tenure, Trish has worn many hats herself, from account manager to payroll compiler to clinical scheduler. Along the way, she’s witnessed the company’s significant growth: a doubling of employees (65 to 140+), addition of 3,300+ partners nationwide, and technology innovations that allow her team to accomplish things Trish “only dreamed of” a decade ago.

In particular, the creation of Mobile Health’s nationwide network represented a turning point.  “Now we could serve all employees of a client, not just those in the New York area,” she recalls. This also opened the door to Mobile Health serving non-healthcare clients, she adds.

Mobile Health ‘CSI’ Team

Trish’s 15-member multilingual team encompasses customer service, account services and operations.  “As a department, we serve both the clients and ‘patients’ (employees of clients who visit Mobile Health clinics).” At the same time, her team supports internal Mobile Health functions. Trish likens her close-knit group to a ‘CSI forensics team,’ due to its ability to troubleshoot delays, track down wayward data and solve other daily challenges.

Among them, they speak five languages: English, Spanish, Cantonese, Mandarin and Russian, she notes.

Though technically three distinct units, Trish encourages her staff to function as a team.  “We want to give the customer the best experience, whether the client on the phone or the person standing in the clinic.” She prefers to lead by example, and as such, won’t ask anyone to do anything she wouldn’t do herself. For example, when New York served as the early pandemic epicenter, Trish and her team worked nights and weekends to support Mobile Health New York clinics as well as multiple onsite Respirator Fit Test events.

“We are proud to make a contribution to the bigger COVID-19 picture,” she says.

Her team’s camaraderie, built back in their Manhattan headquarters, continues to bind them as they work remotely, as does instant messaging.  However, Trish conducts periodic video check-ins with each team member to stay connected.

Looking Back and Ahead

Trish Walsh customer service first day

A look back: Trish Walsh in 2010 on her first day as Mobile Health office manager.

During downtime from work, Trish enjoys arts and crafts, including creating handmade cards to send to far-flung friends from her missionary days. That service based Trisha in Malta for 10 years and Germany for five years. From those posts, she  traveled to Singapore, Korea, Indonesia, Poland, Lithuania, Albania, Tunisia, Morocco and other countries in Asia and Europe.

Along with those memories, Trish has become the caretaker of Mobile Health memorabilia, including handwritten X-ray reports and correspondence from clients.  “Management tells me to save them for the museum,” she jokes.

However, as the occupational healthcare provider plans for the future, Trish credits Mobile Health leadership for providing stability and vision during an uncertain time. “I feel blessed to be in this business.”