Mobile Health Advantage: Compliance Assistance

Solutions for Easing Compliance Pain

Their ability to schedule and monitor our candidates' appointments makes our lives and jobs so much easier on so many levels.
—Mobile Health Client
Compliance Assistance

Part of the Mobile Health Advantage is Compliance Assistance that helps companies keep their workers compliant with the DOH and private accreditation organizations. This page provides more details about the technology benefits that help ease compliance pain.

Auto Annual Scheduling Delivers Easy Annual Compliance Exams

With Auto Annual Scheduling, your organization can ensure employees receive their annual compliance exams on time. Your compliance officers will no longer need to sort through hundreds of records to figure out who needs what.

Many organizations can even integrate their agency’s management software with Mobile Health’s Auto Annual Scheduling feature. This ensures every employee is scheduled on time and with only the procedures they need. Additionally, this frees organizations to use their time for more worthwhile tasks.

Medical Record Color Coding Makes Interpreting Medical Results Instant

Mobile Health’s Color Coding automatically marks your employees’ test results to indicate which records may need further review. A simple green, red, or yellow coding categorizes results by medically qualified, not medically qualified, and who needs further review. Use this system to easily interpret the results of your employees’ medical exams and more efficiently determine the status of your staff.

Positive TB Test Tracking Gives Fewer False Positives

With Compliance Assistance, Mobile Health’s digital medical records track those employees who have had a positive TB test result. This prevents your organization from dealing with false positives.

As a result, your organization saves time on employees’ annual and pre-employment exams. Digital record keeping eliminates the need for employees to visit the clinic more than necessary. Employees that have tested positive for non-active TB in the past can now skip the lengthy PPD procedure and complete their annual exam much faster.

Auto Appointment Reminders Mean Fewer Missed Compliance Exams

Your employees receive appointment reminders automatically a day before their appointment. As a result, staff know where and when they should arrive. Besides the convenience for workers, the reminders also increase the likelihood they’ll get their compliance exams done the first time.

Flexible Reporting Options Grants a Better Look at Your Staff’s Compliance Status

Flexible Reporting Options give your organization up-to-the minute results about exam status: those closed, and those still pending. That means you can budget your time appropriately, and know which of your staff will be out of compliance and for what reason.