As part of the Mobile Health Advantage, we provide all of your records in digital format via our Online Client Portal. Technological benefits at Mobile Health are smart, easy, and convenient. Below you’ll find out more about the ways Electronic Medical Records can help your organization.
Results Get Delivered Instantly Online After the Exam Closes Cutting Down on Wait Time
Every one of your staff’s results come to you online the moment the exam closes. With online results, your staff’s test results reside in one place. Best of all, we delivery them to you electronically the moment they’re ready.
Also, we archive your records, which makes them available for review 24/7. This provides a convenient solution for maintaining records on a large staff.
Standardized Reports Mean Easily Understood Test Results
Your employees’ medical results maintain a standard look-and-feel across every report you get. Your organization will know what to look for in every report. This means you can easily determine your employees’ status every time you open a Mobile Health Report.
Also, online reporting comes color coded so you know which of your staff is medically qualified for work and which staff requires additional attention. This makes interpreting test results easy for anyone to do.
Digital Records Ensure Enhanced HIPAA Protections
The Online Client Portal is password protected and HIPAA-compliant. Your organization can decide who gets access to your employees’ electronic medical records. Also, the portal allows for unlimited users with variable permissions. That means your organization can make sure only the people who need to see results may access confidential medical information.
Custom Hospital Form Submission Speeds Up Candidate Placement
Your organization can have any candidate’s hospital’s placement form filled out by Mobile Health’s account professionals. Electronic delivery of results speeds completion any hospital’s placement forms. This assures your organization your candidates’ hospital forms will be ready faster and archived online.
Electronic PPD Record Keeping Offers Flexible Solutions to Off-Site PPD Readings
If your workers can’t make it to any of Mobile Health’s locations in time for their PPD tuberculosis test reading, they can have the PPD read off-site. You can enter the off-site reading into Mobile Health’s Client Portal, which means all your information remains stored centrally in one place.
Benefit from the Mobile Health Advantage
Convinced of the technological advantages that electronic medical records provide? Contact Mobile Health today and an Account Manager will contact you to explain how your organization will profit from the Mobile Health advantage.