Mobile Health has partnered with the MTA, and has designed and will staff a new dedicated COVID-19 vaccination site for the Metropolitan Transit Authority employees in downtown Brooklyn. The occupational health provider expects to vaccinate up to 200 New York transit workers per day at the dedicated vaccination center, launched this week by the MTA.
The new site at MTA headquarters will effectively triple the number of transit workers who can receive the vaccine at an MTA location. Currently, 100 transit workers a day have been receiving the vaccination at the Jacob K. Javits Center, one of several state-run vaccination sites.
Veteran On-Site Service Providers
“We are proud to partner with the MTA in their efforts to make sure our city’s heroic transit workers can get the vaccine,” said Mobile Health CEO Andrew Shulman during site kickoff. “We launched this company right here in New York City nearly four decades ago and remain deeply rooted here. We rely on the MTA to transport our employees and our patients, and we’re thrilled they can now rely on us to safely vaccinate their employees.”
Mobile Health created the MTA vaccination center in only a few days, leveraging its experience of deploying large-scale On-Site COVID-19 Testing, Vaccine Administration and Respirator Fit Testing to employers in New York and nationwide during the pandemic. Mobile Health will supply nurses, emergency personnel, medical assistants, pharmacists, support staff and the underlying technology to power the center, Shulman said.
Kicking off the new MTA vaccination effort, Mobile Health RN Judina Coipel administered the first of two COVID-19 vaccine doses to MTA Chairman and CEO Pat Foye. Subsequently, five more MTA workers stepped up to receive their vaccine doses.
Heroes Moving Heroes
The MTA, with more than 40,000 employees, has been particularly hard-hit by COVID-19, having lost 148 workers to the virus. Consequently, it views its new vaccination center as a turning point for the organization.
“Our employees heroically moved this city during its most challenging hour,” said Foye at the launch. “This opening is about making sure that those efforts are honored. The heroes who moved heroes throughout the darkest days of this pandemic are now going to be able to do their jobs without the fear of getting this dangerous virus.”
COVID-19 Testing and Vaccine Administration
Accustomed to providing on-site employee physicals, drug testing, and other occupational health screenings to clients, Mobile Health responded to the pandemic by launching a suite of on-site COVID-19 Services for workplaces and schools around the country. “Our mission has always been to keep our clients’ workers safe and healthy, and the pandemic has only underscored that need,” said Shulman.
The company’s mobile medical teams have administered thousands of COVID-19 tests weekly and more than 75,000 Respirator Fit Tests nationwide since the start of the pandemic, he added.
Learn more about Mobile Health On-Site COVID-19 Testing, Vaccine Administration and Respirator Fit Testing.
Tags: COVID-19, COVID-19 Vaccine Administration, MTA, New York City, Partnership, Vaccinations