Mobile Health’s Medical Color Coding

How to understand Mobile Health's Color Coded Medical Reports

Their organization and employees, both working in the clinics and in the administrative offices, have shown overwhelming knowledge and passion for providing the very best care.
—Mobile Health Client
color coded medical

The Mobile Health Advantage includes color coded medical reports that provide a quick way to understand medical results and the status of exams originally scheduled.  This medical color coding scheme is explained both in the text below and in the accompanying graphic.

The color coded label can be found on the top right of the medical report and will generally say one of the following:

  • Green / Medically Qualified
  • Yellow / Medically Qualified with Comments
  • Red / Not Medically Qualified

In any of these three cases, the result never determines a person’s employability. Only the hiring organization can make that determination.


Medical Color Coding Overview and Examples

Green / Medically Qualified

All tests were performed without exception and results met all medical criteria.

The Green result means all the individual’s tests were performed completely and all results meet acceptable medical criteria.
For example: A patient was scheduled for a physical, titer, and a PPD Tuberculosis test. The Green result would mean all three procedures were performed, completed, and their results are considered medically acceptable.

Yellow / Medically Qualified with comments

Please take notice. One or more procedures were not performed as requested by the client, and/or exam results indicate that the patient should follow-up with their primary care provider.

The Yellow result has two possible meanings:

1. There might be some procedures requested that were not completed.
For example: A patient was scheduled for a physical, titer, and PPD. If the PPD was refused and never completed, the result would be Yellow to show that some procedures might not have been completed.

2. The results of some of the procedures requested are considered medically acceptable, but might have borderline levels that require follow-up with a primary care provider.
For example: A patient was scheduled for a physical, titer, and PPD. If the physical shows high blood pressure, the result would be Yellow to show that although the blood pressure levels were not immediately dangerous, they should be followed-up with a doctor.

Red / Not Medically Qualified

Please take notice. One or more exam results did not meet medical criteria.

The Red result means there is one or more procedures that were done completely but resulted in unacceptable medical criteria.
For example: A patient was scheduled for a PPD. If the reading is positive, the result would be Red to show that the PPD was performed and completed, but the results are not within an acceptable medical criteria, for example CDC guidelines.

In cases of Yellow and/or Red results, it is extremely important and advised that the record reviewer read the entire report looking for comments explaining results that are not medically qualified or comments explaining that certain procedures were never completed.

Still Have Questions?

If you need help deciphering your color coded medical results, contact Mobile Health Customer Service.