As a part of Mobile Health’s Advantages, we’re introducing a new category of procedures called ‘Declinations’. The Declination procedures look just like a regular procedure, but it has an ‘X’ at the end of the procedure code.
For example, a regular Flu Vaccine is F/V and a Flu Vaccine Declination is F/VX. The same applies for a History & Physical (H/P) and History & Physical Declination (H/PX).
The reason for the new category of procedures is to document exactly what happened during the patient’s exam, and provide this information to our client’s records.
Previously, if a patient is scheduled for a Flu Vaccine (F/V), but declines the flu vaccine at a Mobile Health location, our medical staff would either remove the flu vaccine from the exam or leave it in, but write notes stating that it was not given.
Problems arose in both scenarios.
If Mobile Health removes the procedure, then the client is unable to see the original intention of the exam, and will never know that a flu vaccine was expected, but never given.
If Mobile Health kept procedure but made notes, some clients did not notice the notes and incorrectly assumed that the flu vaccine was given, as expected.
The new Declination procedure will replace any scheduled procedures that were declined by the patient. Instead of removing the Flu Vaccine (F/V) or just writing notes, we will now replace the F/V with a Flu Vaccine Declination (F/VX).
Anytime a procedure appears on a medical report with the ‘x’ marker, it signifies a replacement of a procedure that was declined. As well, all declination procedures are at no cost, resolving any billing discrepancies.
Here is a list of new Declination Procedures:
- H/PX: History & Physical Declination
- MMRVX: MMR Declination
- V/VX: Varicella Declination
- HBVX: Hepatitis B Declination
- D/SX: Drug Screen Declination
- TDAPX: Tetanus Diphtheria & Pertussis Vaccine Declination
- D/TX: Tetanus Diphtheria Declination
- LABX: Blood Work Declination
- F/VX: Flu Declination
- RFTX: Respirator Fit Test Declination
Tags: Online Access, Technology