New York flu vaccine requirements for healthcare personnel. UPDATED

New information released by the New York State Department of Health

Their ability to schedule and monitor our candidates' appointments makes our lives and jobs so much easier on so many levels.
—Mobile Health Client

On July 23 2013, Mobile Health reported on the new flu shot requirement for healthcare personnel in New York State. Since then, many updates and new details are now available further explaining the program.

Most importantly, A Dear Administrator Letter (DAL) dated August 15 2013 explains the reporting process required. The first reporting opportunity will open on November 1, 2013 and is due by November 15, 2013. A subsequent report will be due at the end of the influenza season. All reports must be submitted electronically through the Health Electronic Response Data Systems (HERDS) on the Health Commerce System (HCS) at:

In accordance to a Healthcare Personnel Influenza Vaccination Report released August 2013, the report must account for all healthcare personnel (HCP) employed or affiliated with a healthcare facility during 9/1/13-10/31/13. This includes:

  • Employees who receive a direct paycheck form the healthcare facility as well as any owners.
  • Licensed independent practitioners who are affiliated with the agency, but do not receive a paycheck form the agency.
  • Students, trainees, and volunteers who are affiliated with the agency, but not employed nor receive a paycheck form the agency.
  • Contract personnel who provide care or services through a contract with the agency.

A Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) report was released in August 2013 as well. Within this report, it states that even if a HCP works for multiple agencies, all agencies must keep records for HCP’s in their agency regardless of their employment in others.

Also stated in the FAQ’s are the acceptable forms of vaccine documentation including:

  • A signed statement or form
  • New York State Immunization System (NYSIIS) record
  • A note, receipt, or vaccination card.

Specifically mentioned, a verbal statement is not an acceptable form of documentation for the purposes of this report.

To learn more about Mobile Health services to help your agency stay compliant, please visit our flu vaccination page.