Occupational Health: Framingham, Massachusetts

Employee physicals, Drug Screens, TB tests and more in Framingham, Massachusetts

Their organization and employees, both working in the clinics and in the administrative offices, have shown overwhelming knowledge and passion for providing the very best care.
—Mobile Health Client
Occupational Health Locations

Did you know that Mobile Health has locations nationwide? Chances are you’re already close to one! We’ve expanded, and we want to take the opportunity to show off some of our convenient locations!

Do you live in Massachusetts? If so, you might find our Framingham location convenient. Located at 50 Worcester Rd, we’re just a short distance from the Shopper’s World Shopping Mall. Come by and you can get a range of occupational health services done, including employee physicals, tuberculosis screening, drug testing and more.

Keep in mind that, while you may be excited, we’re not taking walk-ins at the moment. However, if your business or organization needs some occupational health solutions, we’re happily taking appointments.

We offer various occupational health packages like pre-employment examinations, annual reviews, and much more. So if you’re a business in the area looking for a great occupational health provider, give us a call or visit us online. You’ll be happy you did.

That’s all for now, so stay healthy!