Onsite Temperature Screening for Construction Sites

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—Mobile Health Client
onsite COVID-19 screening testing

Construction has resumed in the Tri-state area and elsewhere. However, no single blueprint exists for onsite temperature screening and COVID-19 testing of workers at construction sites in the region.

Given the virus’s rapid spread, a single infected worker might easily shut down an entire job site. This scenario could result in costly delays and lost wages.

NY, PA Require Job Site Screenings

A look at New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Connecticut instructions for construction sites reveals a patchwork of tactics to prevent infection spread. These range from minimal guidance to strict directives:

  • New York mandates daily health assessments and onsite temperature screening for workers and visitors. Persons familiar with CDC, DOH and OSHA protocols must conduct these screenings. Individuals screening positive for COVID-19 symptoms are sent home to pursue testing.
  • Pennsylvania DOH requires onsite temperature screening and testing. However, this applies only to job sites exposed to a suspected or confirmed COVID-19 case.  
  • Connecticut recommends workers take their temperature daily before work. Employees should stay home if their temperature reaches 100.4 degrees or higher.
  • New Jersey views construction sites as at relatively low-risk for virus transmission. Consequently, it recommends face coverings, staggered work schedules and breaks, social distancing and proper sanitation.

Mobile Health Onsite Programs

Mobile Health can assist companies wishing to comply with state requirements, or institute professional screening to prevent infection and project delays. Our Onsite COVID-19 Screening and Testing Program efficiently screens and clears employees for work:

  • Worker online health questionnaire, completed before they report to work.   
  • Temperature checks by technicians to screen workers and visitors entering the site, clearing them for work.
  • Testing for individuals exhibiting COVID-19 symptoms. Results are delivered in a few days, so cleared workers return to the job site faster.  
  • Central point of contact for screening and testing. 

Mobile Health brings everything needed to screen and test workers at the work site, from thermometers to PPE. Workers simply show up to be screened.  

Mobile Health built its 35-year history on a foundation of pre-screening workers for communicable diseases. Its seven NYC clinics and 3,300+ partner-providers nationwide deliver a spectrum of employment health screenings. These range from Respirator Fit Tests to workplace drug testing, delivered onsite or at Mobile Health locations.