Mobile Health has assembled a map showing the influenza vaccination rates of healthcare personnel in each county across the state of New York. The state-wide average for the 2013-2014 flu season was 78.1% vaccination coverage, but the map makes it easy to pinpoint the counties that have above or below average rates. The totals were calculated using data reported to the New York State Department of Health (NYSDOH).
Healthcare workers are especially urged by organizations like the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the NYSDOH to get vaccinated as a first line of defense against contact with the influenza virus. Because those in the field of health care are often in direct contact with patients, receiving a flu shot can prevent them from spreading the flu to those patients who are at risk for complications like pneumonia or worsening chronic conditions.
In addition to the obvious benefit of preventing the spread of influenza, getting a flu shot can offer extra peace of mind this flu season. As Ebola gains attention worldwide, many people fear they may contract the disease. Since most of the early symptoms of the flu and Ebola are the same, flu patients will soon head to the emergency room fearing the possibility that they’ve become Ebola’s latest victim. This is a scenario that can easily be avoided by getting vaccinated.
A statewide regulation put in place last year that requires health care workers in New York to get an annual flu shot or wear a mask has boosted health care worker vaccination rates significantly since the 2012-2013 flu season. This flu season, among New York hospitals, the vaccination rate was an average of 87%, compared to 60.5% last season (The Post-Standard).
Mobile Health is an employee screening and occupational health company designed to maintain a safe, healthy, and compliant workplace. Their 6 locations in New York City and in Long Island specialize in employment related medical exams, drug testing, and job specific screening needs. For more information about Mobile Health, please visit mobilehealth.net.