Reminder to Resume Health Screenings upon Reopening

My visit was fast and orderly. The staff was friendly and professional.
—Mobile Health Patient
medical assistant

The rollout of New York State and New Jersey reopening plans for non-essential businesses reminds employers to resume occupational health and pre-employment screenings they might have put on hold.

And as the Tri-state region reopens, Mobile Health’s doors are open in New York and around the country. We’re ready with a suite of occupational health services to clear workers for new employment and to return to work.

NY and NJ Guidelines for Non-Essential Businesses

The states’ reopening plans provide guidelines and tools for safe reopening. These include recommendations for COVID-19 screenings.

New York Forward, New York State’s reopening plan, issued reopening requirements for Phase 2 industries. These include office-based businesses, real estate, in-store retailhair salons, and commercial building management, among others.  New York reopenings vary by region and are based on health metrics.

The NY Forward Safety Plan Template helps businesses develop an individual COVID-19 Reopening Safety Plan.

Meanwhile, Stage Two of New Jersey’s Restart and Recovery Plan begins June 15. Stage Two will permit outdoor dining for restaurants and indoor, non-essential retail. Barber shops and salons may reopen on June 22. Health and safety guidelines for Stage Two will be announced shortly, and are expected to include temperature screenings.

Occupational Health Screenings in NY and Nationwide

Medical personnel at our New York area clinics and 2,700+ partners nationwide are trained to administer the following screenings:

Additionally, our Mobile Services team can deliver many screening services onsite, from RFTs to COVID-19 testing, for larger workforces.

Resuming occupational health screenings protects workers while ensuring compliance with state and Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) regulations.

Return to Work Services

We’ve built a 35-year history of testing for pulmonary infectious diseases (tuberculosis) and antibody testing (HepB). Consequently, our Return to Work services address the unique challenges of getting ‘back to business’ at this moment:

  • Antibody Testing – The Covid-19 antibody (IgG) test investigates if a person has been exposed to the virus in the past
  • COVID-19 PCR Testing  – Testing and Record of Results.

We’re devising more ways to support your move back to work, and will share details soon.

Interested? Our Account Managers can answer questions on all Mobile Health services. We’re here to support you, while you support your returning staff.

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