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The staff made me feel welcome and at ease. They were pleasant and professional in carrying out their duties.
—Mobile Health Patient

Is Your Office Ready for a Labor Day Reopening?

Posted May 17, 2021

See you in September? The first Monday in September traditionally signals back to school, but Labor Day 2021 will bring many workers back to the office – to newly reopened and reimagined workplaces Surveys across industries show that many employers plan to return workers to offices by Labor Day or soon after, following more than[Read the Rest]

7 Keys to Successful On-Site COVID-19 Testing

Posted April 19, 2021

On-Site COVID-19 testing for schools and employers will be necessary for the foreseeable future. State and federal health officials favor scaling up COVID-19 testing, even of asymptomatic individuals, as a road to reopening schools and workplaces. Mobile Health is a leading provider of On-Site COVID-19 testing to businesses and academia around the United States. We[Read the Rest]

Can Occupational Health Save the Workplace?

Posted April 13, 2021

COVID-19 has transformed workplace health and safety, making occupational health not just a regulatory obligation but a survival strategy. In highly regulated industries like healthcare and construction, employers are used to collaborating with an occupational health provider like Mobile Health. But now, the pandemic has made every workplace at risk for COVID-19 a candidate for[Read the Rest]

Mobile Health Announces On-Site Employee COVID-19 Screening and Testing Services

Posted August 22, 2020

Mobile Health Announces On-Site Employee COVID-19 Screening and Testing Services As shelter-in-place guidance eases, return-to-workplace program prioritizes employee health and safety with COVID-19 screening and testing. NEW YORK – August 20, 2020 – Mobile Health, a leading provider of employee screening and occupational health services, today announced the launch of a new return-to-the-workplace service that[Read the Rest]

drug testing back to work

Drug-Free Workplace Supports Returning Staff

Posted August 18, 2020

When designing a Return to Work strategy during the pandemic, employers should not overlook the emotional side effects of COVID-19.  Stress, fatigue, financial hardship or grief can impair returning employees’ performance and sometimes lead to substance abuse. The transition back to work creates an ideal opportunity to review signs of worker impairment and remind staff[Read the Rest]