Data Integration Aids Compliance & Scheduling
Seven of the top 15 jobs expected to be in high demand over the next five years fall into the healthcare field, with Home Health Aide topping the list. Consequently, agencies filling these positions will have their hands full screening candidates, scheduling physicals, and tracking down and logging test results. However, Mobile Health technology offers[Read the Rest]

Vaccinations and Titers: Don’t Risk Non-Compliance
The global race for an effective COVID-19 vaccine dramatizes a vaccine’s role in preventing the spread of highly contagious diseases. While the world waits, medical experts advise an early annual flu vaccine as a precaution against a potential second wave of COVID-19 this fall. To help businesses protect staff and remain in compliance, Mobile Health[Read the Rest]

PPD Test Vs. QuantiFERON
A job candidate needs a tuberculosis test, but which test do they choose — PPD test or QuantiFERON? When choosing a tuberculosis test, a patient must consider many factors, including cost, efficiency and availability. Additionally, medical terms and acronyms associated with tuberculosis may confuse patients. For this reason, we created a Tuberculosis Test Fact Sheet.[Read the Rest]