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nursing home respirator fit test

Readying Nursing Home Staff for N95 Respirators

Posted June 25, 2020

Even as long-term care facilities resume normal activities, the CDC urges higher levels of personal protective equipment (PPE) for nursing home staff, including the wearing of N95 respirators or higher. The CDC issued PPE guidance for nursing home staff handling patients with suspected or confirmed COVID-19 cases. The virus has extracted a deadly toll on[Read the Rest]

onsite COVID-19 screening testing

Onsite Temperature Screening for Construction Sites

Posted June 19, 2020

Construction has resumed in the Tri-state area and elsewhere. However, no single blueprint exists for onsite temperature screening and COVID-19 testing of workers at construction sites in the region. Given the virus’s rapid spread, a single infected worker might easily shut down an entire job site. This scenario could result in costly delays and lost[Read the Rest]