Recruit Easy With Digital Records
Recruit easy, live easy. That’s the motto for a lot of staffing companies. However, while many people have looked high and low for a solution to their placement slowdowns, few have stopped to think that the answer may be easy. Ditching old paper records and getting electronic record keeping makes things easy and fast for recruiters. The[Read the Rest]

Recruitment Strategies Organized For Speed
Poor Recruitment Strategies Hospital staffing agencies work hard to get their people placed faster than others. It’s easy to see why. Organizing your recruitment strategies doesn’t just speed-up your business. It also makes placing candidates easier. Better hiring means beating other staffing agencies and making your candidates happy. Many hospital staffing agencies look to sneaky backdoor methods and pricey business partners for help. But the answer[Read the Rest]

Faster Placement in 3 Steps
What you’re about to read are some tips taken in large part from our new book, Winning the Placement Race. In it you’ll find great advice about how to speed up your medical staffing placements, how to boost your digital marketing, and other smart ways of getting an edge in the medical staffing world. Get your copy today! [Read the Rest]

Infographic: Hospital Staffing Solutions
The hospital staffing business lives or dies by how quickly it can get a candidate into a position. Though it sounds like a simple enough proposition, some hospital staffing positions and candidates can challenge even the most experienced agency. Hospital staffing organizations have several barriers to overcome when it comes to placing their candidates quickly.[Read the Rest]

Pre-employment Medical Exam Made Quick and Easy
Pre-employment Medical Exam-The Gist: Allowing hospital staffing candidates to secure their own pre-employment medical exam means the process moves more slowly. Candidates hate securing their own pre-employment assessments and may go to a different agency to avoid it. Partnering with a good occupational healthcare provider will speed up your placements and save you money. We hope[Read the Rest]

15 Reasons to Switch to Electronic Medical Records
Does it take weeks for your staffing agency to complete the steps to place a candidate in a hospital position? If so, unnecessary paperwork may be slowing down your placement process. A switch to electronic medical records (EMRs) might be just what your agency needs to manage the piles of papers that come with candidates’[Read the Rest]

Enter the Digital Age
Below you’ll find some great advice on how Digital Records will help your medical staffing company place candidates faster, but if you want some other sure fired ways to turbo charge your placement speed, click below to get your our new book, Winning the Placement Race. Download Free Book The goal of any staffing agency[Read the Rest]

Throw Away Paper Documents, Not Time!
If you’re in the medical staffing field, you know the value of speed better than anyone. Placing candidates quickly is your priority, and you’re always seeking ways to do so more efficiently. Digital medical records are one way to increase the efficiency of candidate screening and hiring. However, you may not realize how much time[Read the Rest]