Mobile Health Announces On-Site Employee COVID-19 Screening and Testing Services
Mobile Health Announces On-Site Employee COVID-19 Screening and Testing Services As shelter-in-place guidance eases, return-to-workplace program prioritizes employee health and safety with COVID-19 screening and testing. NEW YORK – August 20, 2020 – Mobile Health, a leading provider of employee screening and occupational health services, today announced the launch of a new return-to-the-workplace service that[Read the Rest]

Occupational Health: Orange, Connecticut
Did you know that Mobile Health has locations nationwide? Chances are you’re already close to one! We’ve expanded, and we want to take the opportunity to show off some of our convenient locations! Do you live in Connecticut? If so, you might find our Orange location convenient. Located at 109 Boston Post Rd, we’re just[Read the Rest]

Occupational Health: Waterbury, Connecticut
Did you know that Mobile Health has locations nationwide? Chances are you’re already close to one! We’ve expanded, and we want to take the opportunity to show off some of our convenient locations! Do you live in Connecticut? If so, you might find our Waterbury location convenient. Located at 506 Frost Rd, we’re just a[Read the Rest]

Faster Placement in 3 Steps
What you’re about to read are some tips taken in large part from our new book, Winning the Placement Race. In it you’ll find great advice about how to speed up your medical staffing placements, how to boost your digital marketing, and other smart ways of getting an edge in the medical staffing world. Get your copy today! [Read the Rest]

Occupational Health: Hartford, Connecticut
Did you know that Mobile Health has locations nationwide? Chances are you’re already close to one! We’ve expanded, and we want to take the opportunity to show off some of our convenient locations! Do you live in Connecticut? If so, you might find our Hartford location convenient. Located at 1000 Asylum Ave, Suite 4302, we’re[Read the Rest]

Occupational Health: Bronx, New York
Did you know that Mobile Health has locations nationwide? Chances are you’re already close to one! We’ve expanded, and we want to take the opportunity to show off some of our convenient locations! Do you live in New York? If so, you might find our 2nd Bronx location convenient. Located at 3594 East Tremont Ave[Read the Rest]

Occupational Health: Warwick, Rhode Island
Did you know that Mobile Health has locations nationwide? Chances are you’re already close to one! We’ve expanded, and we want to take the opportunity to show off some of our convenient locations! Do you live in Rhode Island? If so, you might find our Warwick location convenient. Located at 535 Centerville Rd, Suite 102,[Read the Rest]

Occupational Health: Ithaca, New York
Did you know that Mobile Health has locations nationwide? Chances are you’re already close to one! We’ve expanded, and we want to take the opportunity to show off some of our convenient locations! Do you live in New York? If so, you might find our Ithaca, NY location convenient. Located at 740 South Meadow St,[Read the Rest]

Pre-employment Medical Exam Made Quick and Easy
Pre-employment Medical Exam-The Gist: Allowing hospital staffing candidates to secure their own pre-employment medical exam means the process moves more slowly. Candidates hate securing their own pre-employment assessments and may go to a different agency to avoid it. Partnering with a good occupational healthcare provider will speed up your placements and save you money. We hope[Read the Rest]

Occupational Health: Tewksbury, Massachusetts
Did you know that Mobile Health has locations nationwide? Chances are you’re already close to one! We’ve expanded, and we want to take the opportunity to show off some of our convenient locations! Do you live in Massachusetts? If so, you might find our Tewksbury, MA location convenient. Located at 345 Main Street, we’re just[Read the Rest]