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Flu Shot Express Flag

New York State 2013-2014 Flu Season Comes To A Close

Posted June 5, 2014

An announcement today made by the New York State Department of Health Acting Commissioner Howard Zucker states that influenza is no longer considered prevalent in New York State for the 2013-2014 flu season. The flu was declared widespread on December 19, 2013, which meant that all healthcare workers in New York State were required to[Read the Rest]

Flu Shot Express Flag

Flu Vaccine Updates & Automatic Scheduling

Posted May 28, 2014

As the flu vaccination 2013-2014 season winds down, Mobile Health will no longer be offering flu vaccines. This is a result of vaccine expiration dates and seasonal decrease in flu activity during the summer months. In preparation for the 2014-2015 flu season, we now offer automatic batch scheduling for Flu Shot Express appointments. What does[Read the Rest]

Flu Epidemic Map

Northeast Still Under Widespread Flu Activity

Posted May 8, 2014

The latest CDC map of national flu activity shows only Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, and New York as states with ‘widespread flu activity’. Most of the other 46 states show local or sporadic activity. New York State specifically reported influenza activity in 46 counties and all five boroughs of New York City. The cause for[Read the Rest]

Healthcare professionals impacted by widespread flu

Posted December 26, 2013

On December 19 2013, the New York State Health Commissioner declared the influenza virus widespread, requiring unvaccinated healthcare professionals (HCP) to wear a face mask while working with patients. This requirement is a result of the February 7 2013 regulation asking that all HCP’s be vaccinated against influenza or be required to wear a facemask[Read the Rest]

Workplace Flu Vaccines

Posted September 9, 2013

On-Site and Off-Site Corporate Flu Clinics The flu season is on its way and is your office ready? Flexible and adjustable workplace vaccination programs area available to: Set-up an on-site mobile flu clinic in your office to vaccinate your employees throughout the workday. Provide your employees with a digital voucher to visit our ‘Flu Shot[Read the Rest]

New York flu vaccine requirements for healthcare personnel. UPDATED

Posted August 27, 2013

On July 23 2013, Mobile Health reported on the new flu shot requirement for healthcare personnel in New York State. Since then, many updates and new details are now available further explaining the program. Most importantly, A Dear Administrator Letter (DAL) dated August 15 2013 explains the reporting process required. The first reporting opportunity will[Read the Rest]

Flu Shot vs Face Mask (infographic)

Posted August 14, 2013

As the flu season approaches, the New York Department of Health will start inspecting healthcare providers to make sure they comply with the new flu shot regulations. The new rule requires that all employees not vaccinated against the flu virus to wear a face mask while serving their patients. As providers look for ways to[Read the Rest]

Flu Shot Survey Results

Posted August 5, 2013

On July 25, Mobile Health surveyed several New York State healthcare providers to learn individual approaches to the new flu shot requirement. This survey is a snapshot of New York City area agencies and organizations who are directly affected by this new regulation. Below are the selected aggregated responses: (Note: Some questions allowed for multiple[Read the Rest]

Flu shot requirement for healthcare workers

Posted July 23, 2013

On February 7 2013, the State of New York’s Public Health and Health Planning Council added a new regulation requiring all healthcare workers to get a flu shot or wear a service/procedure mask while treating their patients. This new rule came to be known as Title 10, Section 2.59 “Regulation for Prevention of Influenza Transmission[Read the Rest]

EbruNews visits Mobile Health to discuss flu crises

Posted January 11, 2013

Andrew Shulman CEO speaks to EbruNews about the current state of the flu  
