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Continue doing what you're doing. Continue keeping your staff happy because it shows in their work ethic.
—Mobile Health Patient

Mobile Health Named COVID-19 Community Vaccinator for Home Care Workers

Posted March 4, 2021

City home care agencies can schedule workers’ COVID-19 vaccine appointments with Mobile Health beginning March 4, 2021, now that the New York City Department of Health (NY DOH) has designated Mobile Health a community vaccinator for home care workers. Vaccines are only available to home care workers and agencies. They will be administered by appointment[Read the Rest]

doctor's visit

Flu Season Staffing Strategy?

Posted October 4, 2019

Do you have a flu season staffing strategy and contingency plan? Any illness during the year, particularly the flu, can greatly impact employee attendance. Flu Season has arrived, and while on-site vaccination clinics and Flu Shot Programs can help prevent the flu, your workplace must prepare to handle staffing. Hindsight is 20/20.  Look at your[Read the Rest]

The Carnivore’s Dilemma

Posted December 11, 2015

On October, 26, the International Agency for Research on Cancer, or IARC for short, issued some devastating news for carnivores everywhere: RED MEAT IS POISON, AND EATING IT IS BASICALLY THE SAME AS EATING GLASS. Basically… Practically… Ok, maybe not, but that’s what you’d think the IARC said considering all of the hullabaloo we’ve been[Read the Rest]

Stealing exercise during the day and night

Posted March 24, 2015

Find Unexpected Exercise Sources! Chances are that over the cold winter, you may have decreased your exercise and perhaps packed on a few pounds. While those extra pounds might have been nice for insulation purposes, odds are they weren’t so good for your health. Now that it’s warmer, though, you can go outside, get some[Read the Rest]

Ways to Fight Spring Allergies – Mobile Health

Posted March 17, 2015

Spring is Here! Believe it or not, the first day of spring comes this Friday, March 20th, 2015. This may be hard to imagine as there’s snow in the New York City forecast for that exact day, but we promise you: SPRING IS COMING. Eventually. We’re pretty sure. Spring has tons of good points: total[Read the Rest]