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Their ability to schedule and monitor our candidates' appointments makes our lives and jobs so much easier on so many levels.
—Mobile Health Client

5 Noteworthy HR Statistics

Posted October 3, 2014

Human Resources plays an important role in companies, from ensuring the right hiring decisions are made to staying compliant with DOL, FCRA and other regulations. Below are some disturbing HR statistics that can be hard to believe, all of which any company can avoid with the proper pre-employment screening procedures. 1.) Substance abusers are 2.5[Read the Rest]

What happens when an employee fails a drug test?

Posted July 5, 2013

What happens when an employee fails a drug test? The entire reason for workplace drug screening is to prevent drug abusers from joining a company payroll. However, what actually happens when a drug test comes up as positive? When in doubt, employers should always consult with a lawyer for legal advice. Every state has different[Read the Rest]

3 Ways to Keep Your Employees Engaged

3 Ways to Keep Your Employees Engaged

Posted June 12, 2013

The following is a guest post. and does not represent services or advice from Mobile Health. It is no secret that not all jobs are very exciting. Some jobs can be so mundane that they are painful to go to. That is why you have to do everything you can to keep your employees engages. If[Read the Rest]

You Know You’re in HR When…

Posted June 6, 2013

How hard is it to work in HR? Here are the top 20 interesting descriptions we found shared online: You still get calls from employees who resigned 5 years ago looking for work advice. You get cornered in the in the bathroom with “I was wondering” questions. People confuse HR for JD and assume you[Read the Rest]