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I had no problems. Mobile Health was very courteous and organized.
—Mobile Health Patient

4 Considerations for Choosing a Respirator Fit Test Provider

Posted April 1, 2021

The spread of COVID-19 has intensified the demand for Respirator Fit Testing – an OSHA-mandated screening that ensures the proper fit and seal of a user’s N95 respirator, preventing virus transmission. With worker health and safety and OSHA compliance at stake, it is critical that employers choose a qualified Respirator Fit Test vendor. As a[Read the Rest]

dentist fit testing

A Dentistry First: Fit Testing Events in PA

Posted June 29, 2020

With support from Mobile Health, the Pennsylvania Dental Association (PDA) achieved a nationwide ‘first’ for dentistry: a multi-site respirator fit testing event for members. As soon as the Pennsylvania Department of Health (DOH) required N95 or KN95 respirators for all dentists, PDA president James A.H. Tauberg, DMD, sought an efficient respirator fit testing (RFT) solution[Read the Rest]

onsite RFTs for dentists

Reducing Risk for Dentists and Small Businesses

Posted June 2, 2020

Our recent efforts ‘behind the lines’ to clear thousands of frontline workers remain a source of great pride at Mobile Health. That frontline now includes dentists eager to resume work despite the risks. To assist, respirator fit tests for dentists are now offered at various on-site testing events, in our clinics and thousands of our[Read the Rest]