4 Considerations for Choosing a Respirator Fit Test Provider
The spread of COVID-19 has intensified the demand for Respirator Fit Testing – an OSHA-mandated screening that ensures the proper fit and seal of a user’s N95 respirator, preventing virus transmission. With worker health and safety and OSHA compliance at stake, it is critical that employers choose a qualified Respirator Fit Test vendor. As a[Read the Rest]

Webinar: OSHA Respirator Fit Testing Requirements
If there’s one thing you need to know about working in healthcare, it’s this: OSHA can fine any business that does not properly respirator fit test every single employee who uses a respirator. Businesses are already strained by the pandemic. They don’t need another burden added to their already overfilled plate. You will learn: Which[Read the Rest]

Does Your N95 Respirator Mask Protect You from COVID-19?
While conducting 70,000+ Respirator Fit Tests during the pandemic, Mobile Health fit testers hear a single question more often than any other: Does my N95 respirator protect me from COVID-19? According to OSHA’s recent COVID-19 Respiratory Protection FAQ, the answer is YES, providing the N95 respirator is used correctly. OSHA ‘correct use’ requires N95s be part of an employer’s OSHA-compliant written Respiratory Protection Program – a combination of medical evaluations, training, and fit testing. When employers meet these requirements, workers’[Read the Rest]

Schools’ Homework: Fit Tests for School Nurses
At the start of this unprecedented school year, school nurses have emerged as education’s front line workers. Consequently, to ensure adequate respiratory protection, the National Association of School Nurses (NASN) recommends school nurses don N95 respirator masks. Already, New York, New Jersey, South Carolina and other states have directed schools to obtain N95 respirators and[Read the Rest]

Fit-Testing the New N95 Wearers
Respiratory protection has come a long way from the animal bladder skins and wet cloths advocated in the 1800s for guarding against harmful inhalants. And as respirator technology advanced, landmark events have created a legion of new N95 wearers. Along the way, Mobile Health has conducted Respirator Fit Tests to protect workers and help businesses[Read the Rest]