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Their administration’s technical competency is very thorough, and their understanding of their system is outstanding.
—Mobile Health Client

4 Considerations for Choosing a Respirator Fit Test Provider

Posted April 1, 2021

The spread of COVID-19 has intensified the demand for Respirator Fit Testing – an OSHA-mandated screening that ensures the proper fit and seal of a user’s N95 respirator, preventing virus transmission. With worker health and safety and OSHA compliance at stake, it is critical that employers choose a qualified Respirator Fit Test vendor. As a[Read the Rest]

Mobile Health Respirator Fit Test Site Simplifies OSHA Compliance

Posted March 3, 2021

Mobile Health has launched, a one-stop web site where businesses of any size can request OSHA-mandated Respirator Fit Tests (RFTs) to protect employees. Respirator Fit Tests ensure the proper fitting of workers’ N95s and other half-face masks, protecting them from airborne hazards, including COVID-19, and are mandated by OSHA Respiratory Protection Standards. Ignoring OSHA[Read the Rest]