Can Occupational Health Save the Workplace?
COVID-19 has transformed workplace health and safety, making occupational health not just a regulatory obligation but a survival strategy. In highly regulated industries like healthcare and construction, employers are used to collaborating with an occupational health provider like Mobile Health. But now, the pandemic has made every workplace at risk for COVID-19 a candidate for[Read the Rest]

Mobile Health Partners with Schools to Vaccinate Staff and Students
Fulfilling a critical need for skilled medical staff to vaccinate staff and students, Mobile Health is collaborating with K-12 districts, colleges, and universities to administer schools’ doses of COVID-19 vaccines on campus. Mobile Health On-Campus Vaccine Administration is designed for schools who have access to COVID-19 vaccine doses but need help administering shots and managing[Read the Rest]

New York Home Care Workers COVID-19 Vaccination Program FAQ
The following are frequently asked questions about the COVID-19 vaccination program for home care employees. What is the COVID-19 Home Care Employee Vaccination Program? Mobile Health has been approved by the NYC DOH to be a community vaccinator. Mobile Health will receive a specific allocation of COVID-19 vaccine and establish a vaccination program for[Read the Rest]

Webinar: OSHA Respirator Fit Testing Requirements
If there’s one thing you need to know about working in healthcare, it’s this: OSHA can fine any business that does not properly respirator fit test every single employee who uses a respirator. Businesses are already strained by the pandemic. They don’t need another burden added to their already overfilled plate. You will learn: Which[Read the Rest]

Does Your N95 Respirator Mask Protect You from COVID-19?
While conducting 70,000+ Respirator Fit Tests during the pandemic, Mobile Health fit testers hear a single question more often than any other: Does my N95 respirator protect me from COVID-19? According to OSHA’s recent COVID-19 Respiratory Protection FAQ, the answer is YES, providing the N95 respirator is used correctly. OSHA ‘correct use’ requires N95s be part of an employer’s OSHA-compliant written Respiratory Protection Program – a combination of medical evaluations, training, and fit testing. When employers meet these requirements, workers’[Read the Rest]

Return to Work Confidently: COVID-19 Symptom Monitoring, Testing, Vaccine Administration
Mobile Health, an occupational health provider for 37 years, makes it easy to conduct a Return-to-Work program at your office or job site. Our experienced medical team delivers end-to-end COVID-19 services. This includes screening, testing and vaccine administration — offered at your location for a safe return to work during the pandemic. On-Site, At your[Read the Rest]

NY Weddings: Say ‘Yes’ to Mobile Health On-Site COVID-19 Testing
For engaged couples in New York, love may be in the air, but so is COVID-19, which until now has restricted the size of wedding receptions permitted. There is hope on the horizon, however. Beginning March 15, New Yorkers may hold receptions of up to 150 people, or at 50 percent of their venue’s capacity,[Read the Rest]

7 Tips for a Safe Return to Work in 2021
In 2020, employers faced many pandemic-related health and safety challenges that continue today. In a recent panel discussion on the Future of Business: Workplace Health & Safety sponsored by USA Today, Mobile Health CEO Andrew Shulman described changes companies can make now to foster a safe return to work during COVID-19. During his remarks, reprinted[Read the Rest]

Mobile Health Helps NJ Businesses Comply with Nov. 5 Daily Symptom Monitoring Order
Mobile Health can deploy immediate daily symptom monitoring, temperature screening and health questionnaires to bring N.J. employers into compliance with mandatory daily health checks specified in the governor’s Executive Order 192. We can mobilize quickly to help New Jersey private and public sector employers meet the state’s November 5 deadline for instituting pre-shift daily health[Read the Rest]

Pandemic Pivot: 5 Home Health Tactics for Success
COVID-19’s toll on the elderly and older Americans’ growing desire to age in place at home have created far-reaching opportunities for home health. At the same time, pandemic restrictions coupled with a traditional home care mindset may prevent some agencies from fully benefiting from this moment. What follows are five key areas where forward-thinking home[Read the Rest]