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My visit was fast and orderly. The staff was friendly and professional.
—Mobile Health Patient
teachers tuberculosis

Stopping TB In The Classroom

Posted March 9, 2017

Even though tuberculosis cases continue to drop in the United States, the disease remains a threat in foreign countries.  More than one-third of TB cases in the United States come from foreign born individuals. Because exposure from New York City tourists and foreign residents raises the risk of infection, NYC teachers should get tested for[Read the Rest]

PPD vs QuantiFERON

PPD Test Vs. QuantiFERON

Posted March 9, 2017

A job candidate needs a tuberculosis test, but which test do they choose — PPD test or QuantiFERON? When choosing a tuberculosis test, a patient must consider many factors, including cost, efficiency and availability. Additionally, medical terms and acronyms associated with tuberculosis may confuse patients.  For this reason, we created a Tuberculosis Test Fact Sheet.[Read the Rest]