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The technology that is provided to my team surpasses anything we have seen in the marketplace.
—Mobile Health Client
civil surgeon Form I-693

Pandemic Best Practices for a Safe July 4

Posted July 2, 2020

This year, tips for a safe July 4 go beyond fireworks handling, sun protection and swimming guidelines to remind revelers to observe local guidelines to prevent the spread of COVID-19. And while it may be a year to rethink the traditional barbecue, and watch fireworks from home or on television, with the proper planning, it’s[Read the Rest]

respirator fit testing and asbestos safety

Respirator Fit Testing and Asbestos: Getting Safer

Posted January 15, 2015

Respirator fit testing isn’t just an OSHA obligation, it’s a way to protect your workers from airborne hazards. The N95’s that many workers use isn’t much to them if they don’t fit. While Mobile Health works with many hospital staff, we also work with many construction and contracting organizations to provide them with respirator fit[Read the Rest]

Qualitative Respirator Fit Test Article

Qualitative Respirator Fit Test (QLRFT): General Requirements

Posted January 12, 2015

So you want to give your staff a Qualitative Respirator Fit Test, eh? Well, you’re probably going to have to know what that is before you come in for one. Qualitative Respirator Fit Tests, or QLRFTs for short, test to make sure that an employee’s respirator fits properly. Below, you can find out more information on[Read the Rest]

Workplace Safety Checklist

12 Least Thought of Workplace Safety Tips

Posted December 3, 2014

When was the last time you reviewed your company’s safety checklist? Or, better yet, does your company have a safety checklist? Between 2010-2012, it was estimated that employee injuries had an economic cost of $10.9 billion in New York. Mobile Health provides testing services nationwide at our occupational health locations, and we stand by the[Read the Rest]