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Their results are detailed, clear, and professionally presented. This allows our clients to easily read the reports and allows for quicker approval of our medical files.
—Mobile Health Client

Preventing Employee Claims for Wage and Hour Violations: Notices

Posted March 4, 2015

This post is a guest article from Sandra Dawes with Egan Attorneys. Egan Law Firm is a New York employment law firm dedicated exclusively to providing knowledgeable and effective representation in all employment law matters. Preventing Employee Claims for Wage and Hour Violations: Notices   As you have undoubtedly heard in the news, wage and[Read the Rest]

Phencyclidine: Concern for New York City Employers

Posted November 20, 2013

The plague that spread across America in the 70’s is not gone, and a new SAMHSA study suggests that it might be making a rebound. PCP, angel dust, and wet are just a few of the terms used to describe recreational phencyclidine. Legally used in veterinarian clinics as an animal tranquilizer, recreational users indulge to[Read the Rest]