Preventing Employee Claims for Wage and Hour Violations: Notices
Posted March 4, 2015
This post is a guest article from Sandra Dawes with Egan Attorneys. Egan Law Firm is a New York employment law firm dedicated exclusively to providing knowledgeable and effective representation in all employment law matters. Preventing Employee Claims for Wage and Hour Violations: Notices As you have undoubtedly heard in the news, wage and[Read the Rest]

Phencyclidine: Concern for New York City Employers
Posted November 20, 2013
The plague that spread across America in the 70’s is not gone, and a new SAMHSA study suggests that it might be making a rebound. PCP, angel dust, and wet are just a few of the terms used to describe recreational phencyclidine. Legally used in veterinarian clinics as an animal tranquilizer, recreational users indulge to[Read the Rest]