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Mobile Health has shown my firm that they exceed the industry standard in their turnaround time.
—Mobile Health Client
school COVID-19 test

Schools Get Education on COVID-19 Testing

Posted October 13, 2020

Masks, face shields and hybrid schedules are not the only changes returning students face this fall. Many, including New York City students, will encounter random COVID-19 testing and screening. To help students cope with pandemic-related stress, some districts have incorporated social-emotional learning (SEL) taught by psychologists and social workers. Several Long Island school superintendents and[Read the Rest]

pooled PCR tests

Pooled Testing: Diagnostic Quality, Lower Costs

Posted September 9, 2020

When it comes to COVID-19 testing, most enterprises seek a low-cost, high-quality diagnostic test that delivers rapid results. While no current test checks every box, pooled testing comes close by expanding diagnostic testing capacity while reducing costs and turnaround. The CDC defines pooled testing— also called pooling or batch testing— as combining nasal swab respiratory[Read the Rest]