CDC ALERT!!! Nationwide PPD shortage
On June 19th 2019, The New York State Department of Health (DOH) issued a PPD shortage advisory. The advisory indicated a shortage of purified protein derivative (PPD) solution for tuberculin skin testing, in response to an anticipated three- to 10-month Aplisol® shortage. DOH temporarily recommends an adjustment to tuberculosis (TB)-testing procedures for employee testing programs[Read the Rest]

Tuberculosis Chest X-Ray
The contagious disease of tuberculosis not only attacks the lungs but also can affect other organs such as the kidney, spine and brain. In certain cases, a patient may need a tuberculosis chest X-ray to confirm this diagnosis. Two common tests determine the presence of tuberculin bacteria: PPD skin tests and QuantiFERON blood tests. Of[Read the Rest]

Stopping TB In The Classroom
Even though tuberculosis cases continue to drop in the United States, the disease remains a threat in foreign countries. More than one-third of TB cases in the United States come from foreign born individuals. Because exposure from New York City tourists and foreign residents raises the risk of infection, NYC teachers should get tested for[Read the Rest]

Tuberculosis Testing Requirement for NYC Teachers
Tuberculosis (TB), a highly-contagious disease that attacks the lungs, affects millions of people all around the world. While there is no vaccine, early detection is the best way to control its spread and avoid new cases. Early detection is generally done through a tuberculosis skin test (TST), also known as a PPD implant. A TB test[Read the Rest]

Tuberculosis Glossary & Fact Sheet
A Tuberculosis test is common with many pre-employment physicals and is recommended for anyone with a high risk factor. But a lot of technical medical terms are involved in assessing which test to take, the benefits are being tested and what increases the risk of TB exposure and TB symptoms that require urgent medical attention.[Read the Rest]